Mengenal Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris: Definisi, Fungsi, Jenis, dan Contoh

Pengertian Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris

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  • This car is mine. (Mobil ini milik saya.)
  • That dog is cute. (Anjing itu lucu.)
  • These shoes are new. (Sepatu ini baru.)

4. Possessive Adjective

Possessive Adjective digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Contohnya: “my, your, his, her, its, our, their”.


  • My phone is ringing. (Telepon saya sedang berdering.)
  • His book is on the table. (Bukunya ada di atas meja.)
  • Their house is big. (Rumah mereka besar.)

5. Interrogative Adjective

Interrogative Adjective digunakan untuk menanyakan atau mengajukan pertanyaan. Contohnya: “which, what, whose”.


  • Which car is yours? (Mobil mana yang milikmu?)
  • What book are you reading? (Buku apa yang sedang kamu baca?)
  • Whose pen is this? (Pena siapa ini?)

6. Indefinite Adjective

Indefinite Adjective digunakan untuk memberikan informasi yang tidak spesifik atau pasti. Contohnya: “some, any, many, few, several”.


  • I need some apples to make juice. (Saya membutuhkan beberapa apel untuk membuat jus.)
  • She has many friends from various countries. (Dia memiliki banyak teman dari berbagai negara.)
  • I want to buy some books about history. (Saya ingin membeli beberapa buku tentang sejarah.)

Contoh Kalimat dengan Adjective

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Contoh soal Materi Adjective

Berikut adalah contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris:

  1. Which of the following words is an adjective?
    a) Run
    b) Happy
    c) Eat
    d) Swim
  2. Which word is the adjective in the sentence “The big house is beautiful”?
    a) The
    b) Big
    c) House
    d) Beautiful
  3. Which word is the adjective in the sentence “She is a talented singer”?
    a) She
    b) Is
    c) A
    d) Talented
  4. Which of the following words is an adjective that describes colors?
    a) Delicious
    b) Blue
    c) Tall
    d) Exciting
  5. Which of the following sentences contains an adjective in the superlative form?
    a) My sister is taller than me.
    b) I have a tall brother.
    c) He is the tallest person in our class.
    d) We saw a very tall building.
  6. Which of the following adjectives is the opposite of “happy”?
    a) Sad
    b) Angry
    c) Excited
    d) Joyful
  7. Which of the following words is a comparative adjective?
    a) Small
    b) Smallest
    c) Smaller
    d) Smallish
  8. Which of the following sentences uses an adjective to describe a person?
    a) The sky is blue.
    b) The food is delicious.
    c) The girl is pretty.
    d) The car is fast.
  9. Which of the following sentences uses an adjective to describe a thing?
    a) She is a smart student.
    b) The book is interesting.
    c) He is a kind person.
    d) They are a happy family.
  10. Which of the following adjectives is used to describe something that is very large in size?
    a) Big
    b) Small
    c) Tiny
    d) Huge


Adjective merupakan kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan karakteristik atau kualitas benda, orang, atau tempat dalam bahasa Inggris. Adjective dapat digunakan untuk memberikan deskripsi, membandingkan, menunjukkan urutan, dan menunjukkan keadaan atau kondisi suatu benda.