100 Contoh Kalimat Aktif diubah Menjadi Kalimat Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Dalam Grammar bahasa Inggris, kalimat aktif dan pasif adalah salah satu cara untuk membuat susunan kalimat. Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat di mana subjek kalimat melakukan tindakan. Subjek ini biasanya “pelaku” dari tindakan dan diletakkan sebelum kata kerja. Contohnya, dalam kalimat “Messi kicked the ball”, Messi adalah subjek, kicked adalah kata kerja, dan ball adalah objek; Messi adalah pelaku dari tindakan, sehingga menjadikan kalimat ini sebagai kalimat aktif.

Sedangkan, kalimat pasif adalah kalimat di mana subjek kalimat menerima tindakan. Subjek ini biasanya “penerima” dari tindakan dan diletakkan setelah kata kerja. Untuk membuat kalimat pasif, objek dari kalimat aktif menjadi subjek dan kata kerja diubah menjadi bentuk participle lalu ditambahkan “be” sebelum kata kerja dan “by” sebelum subjek dari kalimat aktif. Contohnya, dalam kalimat “The ball was kicked by Messi”, ball adalah subjek, was kicked adalah kata kerja, dan Messi adalah pelaku; Ball adalah penerima dari tindakan, sehingga menjadikan kalimat ini sebagai kalimat pasif.

Kalimat aktif biasanya dianggap lebih jelas dan langsung, sementara kalimat pasif bisa lebih tidak langsung dan membuat tidak jelas siapa atau apa yang bertanggung jawab atas tindakan tersebut.

Cara Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Kalimat Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris

Dalam bahasa Inggris, terdapat beberapa langkah untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif:

  • Identifikasi subjek dari kalimat aktif. Ini adalah orang atau benda yang melakukan tindakan.
  • Identifikasi kata kerja dari kalimat aktif. Ini adalah tindakan yang dilakukan.
  • Pindahkan subjek dari kalimat aktif ke akhir kalimat, mengikuti kata kerja.
  • Tambahkan kata kerja bantu “be” sebelum bentuk past participle dari kata kerja.
  • Tambahkan “by” + subjek dari kalimat aktif jika ingin menyebut pelaku tindakan.
  • Letakkan “the” di depan objek jika tidak pasti.


  • Active sentence: The dog barks at the mailman.
  • Passive sentence: The mailman is barked at by the dog.

Catatan: Beberapa kalimat, khususnya dengan kata kerja “to be” sudah ada dalam bentuk pasif, jadi tidak perlu diubah.


  • Active: The cake is delicious
  • Passive: The cake is delicious (already in passive form)

Contoh Kalimat Aktif diubah Menjadi Kalimat Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan simak 100 contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris berikut ini.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif diubah Menjadi Kalimat Pasif tentang Sekolah

contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris
Contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah 25 contoh kalimat aktif tentang sekolah yang diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Active: The teacher teaches the lesson.
    Passive: The lesson is taught by the teacher.
  2. Active: The students raise their hands.
    Passive: Their hands are raised by the students.
  3. Active: The principal announces the news.
    Passive: The news is announced by the principal.
  4. Active: The school board approves the budget.
    Passive: The budget is approved by the school board.
  5. Active: The janitor cleans the classroom.
    Passive: The classroom is cleaned by the janitor.
  6. Active: The coach trains the team.
    Passive: The team is trained by the coach.
  7. Active: The librarian shelve the books.
    Passive: The books are shelved by the librarian.
  8. Active: The parents pay the tuition.
    Passive: The tuition is paid by the parents.
  9. Active: The children learn to read.
    Passive: Reading is learned by the children.
  10. Active: The school offers a variety of programs.
    Passive: A variety of programs are offered by the school.
  11. Active: The teacher grades the papers.
    Passive: The papers are graded by the teacher.
  12. Active: The students complete the assignments.
    Passive: The assignments are completed by the students.
  13. Active: The school holds an assembly.
    Passive: An assembly is held by the school.
  14. Active: The school bus takes the students home.
    Passive: The students are taken home by the school bus.
  15. Active: The principal makes a speech.
    Passive: A speech is made by the principal.
  16. Active: The school cancels classes.
    Passive: Classes are cancelled by the school.
  17. Active: The school builds a new gym.
    Passive: A new gym is built by the school.
  18. Active: The students take a test.
    Passive: A test is taken by the students.
  19. Active: The school sends out report cards.
    Passive: Report cards are sent out by the school.
  20. Active: The school organizes a field trip.
    Passive: A field trip is organized by the school.
  21. Active: The school hires a new teacher.
    Passive: A new teacher is hired by the school.
  22. Active: The school adds a new course.
    Passive: A new course is added by the school.
  23. Active: The students play in a game.
    Passive: A game is played by the students.
  24. Active: The school provides lunch.
    Passive: Lunch is provided by the school.
  25. Active: The students wear a uniform.
    Passive: A uniform is worn by the students.
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Contoh Kalimat Aktif diubah Menjadi Kalimat Pasif tentang Olahraga

Contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris
Contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah 25 contoh kalimat aktif tentang olahraga yang diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Active: The football player throws the ball.
    Passive: The ball is thrown by the football player.
  2. Active: The basketball team wins the game.
    Passive: The game is won by the basketball team.
  3. Active: The tennis player hits the ball.
    Passive: The ball is hit by the tennis player.
  4. Active: The gymnast performs a flip.
    Passive: A flip is performed by the gymnast.
  5. Active: The golfer sinks the putt.
    Passive: The putt is sunk by the golfer.
  6. Active: The baseball player pitches the ball.
    Passive: The ball is pitched by the baseball player.
  7. Active: The boxer punches his opponent.
    Passive: The opponent is punched by the boxer.
  8. Active: The runner crosses the finish line.
    Passive: The finish line is crossed by the runner.
  9. Active: The skater lands the jump.
    Passive: The jump is landed by the skater.
  10. Active: The swimmer wins the race.
    Passive: The race is won by the swimmer.
  11. Active: The cyclist rides the bike.
    Passive: The bike is ridden by the cyclist.
  12. Active: The soccer player scores the goal.
    Passive: The goal is scored by the soccer player.
  13. Active: The volleyball team loses the match.
    Passive: The match is lost by the volleyball team.
  14. Active: The hockey player makes a save.
    Passive: A save is made by the hockey player.
  15. Active: The weightlifter lifts the barbell.
    Passive: The barbell is lifted by the weightlifter.
  16. Active: The wrestler wins the match.
    Passive: The match is won by the wrestler.
  17. Active: The racecar driver drives the car.
    Passive: The car is driven by the racecar driver.
  18. Active: The snowboarder does a trick.
    Passive: A trick is done by the snowboarder.
  19. Active: The skier goes down the slope.
    Passive: The slope is gone down by the skier.
  20. Active: The water polo team scores the goal.
    Passive: The goal is scored by the water polo team.
  21. Active: The diver jumps off the board.
    Passive: The board is jumped off by the diver.
  22. Active: The triathlete swims the first leg.
    Passive: The first leg is swam by the triathlete.
  23. Active: The gymnastics team scores a 9.5
    Passive: A 9.5 is scored by the gymnastics team.
  24. Active: The rower rows the boat.
    Passive: The boat is rowed by the rower.
  25. Active: The pitcher throws a no-hitter.
    Passive: A no-hitter is thrown by the pitcher.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif diubah Menjadi Kalimat Pasif tentang Ekonomi

Contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris
Contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah 25 contoh kalimat aktif tentang ekonomi yang diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Active: The company produces goods.
    Passive: Goods are produced by the company.
  2. Active: The market determines the price.
    Passive: The price is determined by the market.
  3. Active: The government regulates the industry.
    Passive: The industry is regulated by the government.
  4. Active: The economists forecast the trend.
    Passive: The trend is forecast by the economists.
  5. Active: The consumers buy goods and services.
    Passive: Goods and services are bought by the consumers.
  6. Active: The business raises capital.
    Passive: Capital is raised by the business.
  7. Active: The bank lends money.
    Passive: Money is lent by the bank.
  8. Active: The company reduces costs.
    Passive: Costs are reduced by the company.
  9. Active: The investors buy stocks.
    Passive: Stocks are bought by the investors.
  10. Active: The factory employs workers.
    Passive: Workers are employed by the factory.
  11. Active: The union negotiates the wages.
    Passive: The wages are negotiated by the union.
  12. Active: The government collects taxes.
    Passive: Taxes are collected by the government.
  13. Active: The company sells products.
    Passive: Products are sold by the company.
  14. Active: The government provides subsidies
    Passive: Subsidies are provided by the government.
  15. Active: The company invests in research and development
    Passive: Research and development is invested in by the company.
  16. Active: The market dictates supply and demand
    Passive: Supply and demand are dictated by the market
  17. Active: The companies compete for market share
    Passive: Market share is competed for by the companies
  18. Active: The central bank raises interest rate
    Passive: Interest rate is raised by the central bank
  19. Active: The companies merge
    Passive: The companies are merged
  20. Active: The government regulates trade
    Passive: Trade is regulated by the government.
  21. Active: The consumer disposable income rises
    Passive: Disposable income is risen by the consumer.
  22. Active: The company exports goods
    Passive: Goods are exported by the company
  23. Active: The government passes a budget
    Passive: A budget is passed by the government
  24. Active: The investor makes a profit
    Passive: A profit is made by the investor.
  25. Active: The company implements a new strategy
    Passive: A new strategy is implemented by the company
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Contoh Kalimat Aktif diubah Menjadi Kalimat Pasif tentang Kesehatan

Contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris
Contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah 25 contoh kalimat aktif tentang kesehatan yang diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Active: The doctor examines the patient.
    Passive: The patient is examined by the doctor.
  2. Active: The nurse administers the medication.
    Passive: The medication is administered by the nurse.
  3. Active: The researcher discovers a cure.
    Passive: A cure is discovered by the researcher.
  4. Active: The hospital treats the patient.
    Passive: The patient is treated by the hospital.
  5. Active: The dentist fills the cavity.
    Passive: The cavity is filled by the dentist.
  6. Active: The therapist helps the patient.
    Passive: The patient is helped by the therapist.
  7. Active: The surgeon operates on the patient.
    Passive: The patient is operated on by the surgeon.
  8. Active: The pharmacist dispenses the prescription.
    Passive: The prescription is dispensed by the pharmacist.
  9. Active: The patient takes the medication.
    Passive: The medication is taken by the patient.
  10. Active: The laboratory tests the sample.
    Passive: The sample is tested by the laboratory.
  11. Active: The health department inspects the facility.
    Passive: The facility is inspected by the health department.
  12. Active: The fitness trainer designs the workout.
    Passive: The workout is designed by the fitness trainer.
  13. Active: The patient recovers from the illness.
    Passive: The illness is recovered from by the patient.
  14. Active: The dietitian creates the meal plan.
    Passive: The meal plan is created by the dietitian.
  15. Active: The hospital staff provides the care
    Passive: The care is provided by the hospital staff.
  16. Active: The physician prescribes the treatment
    Passive: The treatment is prescribed by the physician.
  17. Active: The patient contracts the disease.
    Passive: The disease is contracted by the patient.
  18. Active: The chiropractor adjusts the spine.
    Passive: The spine is adjusted by the chiropractor.
  19. Active: The patient receives the therapy
    Passive: The therapy is received by the patient.
  20. Active: The health insurance covers the cost
    Passive: The cost is covered by the health insurance.
  21. Active: The vaccine protects against the disease
    Passive: The disease is protected against by the vaccine.
  22. Active: The physical therapist rehabilitates the injury
    Passive: The injury is rehabilitated by the physical therapist.
  23. Active: The patient undergoes the surgery
    Passive: The surgery is undergone by the patient.
  24. Active: The researcher studies the illness
    Passive: The illness is studied by the researcher.
  25. Active: The patient follows the diet
    Passive: The diet is followed by the patient


Perlu diingat bahwa tidak semua kalimat aktif harus atau bisa diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, dan kadang-kadang kalimat pasif dapat membuat kalimat lebih bertele-tele atau kurang jelas.

Demikian contoh kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat Penaguru.Com bagikan. Semoga bisa membantu dalam memahami materi tentang active and passive voice.