10 Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Suggestion Pilihan Ganda

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Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Suggestion – Berikut ini adalah latihan Soal asking and giving opinion lengkap dengan jawaban dan pembahasan. Soal-Soal tersebut digunakan sebagai asesmen untuk menguji pemahaman tentang materi asking and giving suggestion yang telah kita bahas pada artikel sebelumnya.

Materi contoh Soal asking and suggestion ini disusun berdasarkan capaian pembelajaran materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP dan kelas 11 SMA. Soal ini telah memenuhi kaidah penyusunan Soal HOTS yang dapat digunakan dalam asesemen sumatif maupun formatif.

Table of Contents

Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Suggestion

Masing-masing Soal telah kami lengkapi dengan hints atau Hint untuk dapat menyelesaikan Soal. Namun Anda juga dapat menemukan pembahasan masing-masing Soal jika masih kesulitan dalam menentukan jawaban yang paling tepat.

Baiklah, langsung saja kita simak contoh Soal asking and giving suggestion pilihan ganda berikut ini.

Answer questions number 1 and 2 based on the dialogue!

Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Suggestion
Gambar 2: Contoh soal asking and giving suggestion

Question 1: From the dialogue we can find the expression of ….

A. Giving suggestion
B. Asking for suggestion
C. Obligation
D. Compulsion


Pay attention to the dialogue, especially to the Sakura’s sentence. She said something about the solution for Hinata’s problem.


From the dialogue above we can find an expression of giving suggestion. It can be found in Sakura’s sentence. She says, “How about study together with me?” The phrase “How about …” is one of the examples of expression giving suggestion in informal ways. So, the best answer is “giving suggestion”.

Question 2: Hinata looks unhappy because ….

A. She got 5 in Math.
B. She got 9 in Math.
C. She will study with Sakura.
D. She didn’t study for the test.


Study the dialogue. Pay attention to the Sakura’s first sentence. Then, find the synonym of the word “unhappy” in that sentence. After that, find the answer in Hinata’s sentence.


From the dialogue above we know that Sakura said that Hinata looks very sad. She is sad because she got 5 in Math. The word unhappy in the question has a similar meaning to sad. So, the best answer from question number 2 is Hinata looks unhappy because she got 5 in Math.

Answer questions number 3 – 5 based on the dialogue!

Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Suggestion
Gambar 3: Contoh soal asking and giving suggestion

Question 3: We can find the expression of …. in the dialogue.

A. Obligation
B. Suggestion
C. Wish
D. Hope


Study the dialogue. Pay attention to the sentence that was said by Robin. Remember the use of the words “obligation” and “must”.


From the dialogue above we can find some expressions like “… because I think this is one of my obligations in my class”. This sentence expresses obligation by using noun. Then we also find sentence “I must make my class clean”. This sentence is using ‘must’, it means that the sentence is the example of obligation in present. So, we can conclude that in the dialogue we can find the expression of obligation.

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Question 4: The bold and italic word refers …

“I am with you.”

A. Robin
B. Nami
C. Robin’s classmate.
D. Robin’s class.


Study the dialogue. Pay attention to the sentence said by Nami. Find the subject before the sentence “I am with you”.


The dialogue is between Nami and her friend Robin. Then, the sentence “I am with you” is said by Nami. The word “you” in the sentence “I am with you” refers to Nami’s partner Robin. Besides, the subject can replace the word “you” that comes before “you” is Robin.

Question 5: From the text we know that …

A. Robin is a diligent student.
B. Robin is proud of Nami.
C. Robin agrees with Nami’s statement.
D. Nami cleans the entire class windows.


Study the dialogue carefully. Pay attention to the first sentence said by Nami. What does she say to compliment Robin.


The correct answer is “Robin is a diligent student”, we know it from the Nami’s statement “How diligent you are!
“You are cleaning all the windows in this class”. It means that Robin is diligent students because she cleans all the class windows. The other choices are wrong.

“Robin proud of Nami.” This statement is wrong because not Robin who proud of Nami but Nami proud of Robin.
Then “Robin agrees with Nami’s statement” is also wrong because Nami said “I’m with you”. It means that Nami agrees with Robin.

The statement “Nami cleans the entire class windows” is also wrong because Nami does not clean the class but Robin does it.

Question 6: From the dialogue we know that ….

Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Suggestion
Gambar 4: Contoh soal asking and giving suggestion

A. Riana will buy medicine for Rudi.
B. Riana has sore throat.
C. Riana is busy this week.
D. Rudi has a good idea.


Study the dialogue and find the best information. Pay attention to the sentence said by Riana in the last dialogue.


The correct answer is “Riana will buy medicine for Rudi” It can be found on the sentence said by Riana “Hmmm…How if I buy for you some medicine in drugstore.” The other answer is incorrect. The sentence means that Riana will buy medicine for Rudi. The other answer’s choice is incorrect.

Answer questions number 7 – 8 based on the dialogue!

Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Suggestion

Question 7: Rama got C mark on his exam because …

A. Rama didn’t study for the exam.
B. Rama studied for the exam.
C. Rama didn’t play online game.
D. Rama’s mother put the computer.


Pay attention to the last sentence said by Rama. From the sentence we can find the reason why Rama got C mark on his exam.


Based on the dialogue the correct answer is “Rama didn’t study for the exam”. Rama said that he didn’t study for the exam because he played game online in this room. The answer “Rama study the exam”, “Rama didn’t play game online”, and “Rama’s mother put the computer” are incorrect.

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Question 8: “I can watch over you.”

The italic word has the same meaning with the following, EXCEPT …

A. Neglect
B. Supervise
C. look after
D. guard


Pay attention to the last sentence said by Rama’s Mother. The word “I” refers to the speaker of the sentence.


Based on the dialogue the correct answer is “Rama’s mother”. From the last sentence the word “I” can be replaced by the speaker of the sentence, in this case the sentence is said by Rama’s mother, so the word “I” can be replaced by “Rama’s mother”. The other choices are incorrect.

Question 9: Answer question based on the dialogue!

Naruto: Oh my God, I forgot my tie. Do you have any idea, Sasuke?
Sasuke: …. to borrow Rafli’s tie. He has two.

The best phrase to complete the dialogue is ….

A. I suggest you.
B. I know you.
C. You must
D. You have to


Pay attention to the sentence said by Naruto “Do you have any idea, Sasuke?” and then remember the expression to give suggestion.


Based on the dialogue the correct answer is “I suggest you” because Naruto asks Sasuke’s idea about his problem. It means that Naruto asks for suggestions to Sasuke. The phrase “I suggest you” is used to give suggestion. The choice “I know you” is used to give information. Then “You must” and “You have to” are used to express obligation.

Question 10: Answer question based on the dialogue!

Erika: Look at the sign. You …. not stop here.
Wulan: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see it.

The best word to fill in the blank is ….

A. Must
B. Have to
C. Had
D. should


Remember the expression of obligation then remember the word that can be used to express obligation especially obligation in the negative form.


The suitable word to complete the dialogue is “must”, because the sentence “You … not stop here” is an obligation. So, it should be completed by the word that indicates obligation. The word that can be used in obligation is “must”.

The word “have to” in the negative form means necessary not obligatory. Then “had” and “should” are used to give suggestions.

Akhir Kata

Demikian contoh soal asking and giving suggestion lengkap dengan pembahasan yang dapat Penaguru.com bagikan. Semoga bisa membantu dalam memahami materi asking and giving suggestion sehingga membuat Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih mudah dan cepat.