Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

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Pada postingan kali ini PenaGuru.Com akan membagikan contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya. Contoh soal tersebut dapat membantu Anda memahami struktur, fungsi dan unsur kebahasaan teks advertisement atau teks iklan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Dalam soal Bahasa Inggris berikut, Anda bisa menemukan materi tentang soal advertisement text dan pembahasannya, contoh soal advertisement text pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya, contoh soal advertisement text dan jawabannya, dan soal advertisement text dan jawabannya.

Contoh Soal Advertisement Text Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh soal advertisement text pilihan ganda telah dilengkapi dengan petunjuk pengerjaan beserta dengan pembahasan soal. Hal ini akan memudahkan bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengerjakan latihan soal tersebut.

Baiklah, langsung saja pelajari contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya di bawah ini.

Answer the question number 1-2 based on the following picture.

contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya
contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya

Question 1: The job vacancy above offers a position for….
A. English Teacher
B. Translator
C. Lecturer
D. College student
Petunjuk: Read the first line.
Pembahasan: In the text, we can find “An English Teacher of Bina Harapan School”. So, the the advertisement is promoting a position for an English Teacher.

Question 2: One of the requirements of the job is….
A. Know how to teach young learners
B. Willing to compete with the collegues
C. Freshgraduate of any major
D. Fluent in speaking English only
Petunjuk: children
Pembahasan: In the text, we can find statement, “Love young learners”. It indicates that the applicant should be able to deal with young learners.

The following picture is for question 3-4.

contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya
contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya

Question 3: The picture above is advertising a ….
A. Café
B. clothing store
C. fruit shop
D. bakery
Petunjuk: Food appearance in the picture.

Baca juga :  15 Contoh Banner Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pembahasan: By seeing the picture (food and decoration), cafe is the most appropriate answer than the other.
Question 4: The length promotion period of Waroeng Buhun will be for ….
A. 6 days
B. 5 days
C. 7 days
D. 8 days
Petunjuk: Count the day.
Pembahasan: The text says that we can get discount for beverages from 25-30 May 2015. If we count the length (25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30), it will be six days. So, the answer is 6 days.

The following picture is for question 5-6.

contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya
contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya

Question 5: How can we see other products of Atmaja Gallery? To see their other product, we can …
A. go to their srores.
B. visit their social media accounts.
C. call the owner
D. find in the catalogue
Petunjuk: You can see this ad in social media.
Pembahasan: The picture is a picture of a leaflet. In the leaflet, the writer wrote the Instagram and Twitter account of the shop. Therefore, we can visit their soc-med accounts to look for other products.

Question 6: The advertisement above promotes….
A. Crafting products
B. Art work gallery
C. Outfits
D. Twitter and Instagram
Petunjuk: See the picture of the products.
Pembahasan: In the picture, the writer mentioned word craft and the example of the product such as brooch, headpiece, and hairpin. So, we can infer that the advertisement is promoting crafting products.

The following picture is for question 7-10.

contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya
contoh soal advertisement text beserta jawabannya

Question 7: From the text, we know that Lily florist is a ….
A. flower merchant
B. clothing store
C. vegetable merchant
D. food store
Petunjuk: Read the text carefully.
Pembahasan: Lily florist is a flower merchant. They sell flowers.

Baca juga :  5 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Lengkap dengan Artinya

Question 8: The underlined words can be replaced by ….
Lily Florist helps you make your -wedding party, birthday party, or gathering- to be Super Special.
A. special moments
B. special people
C. grief moments
D. special life
Petunjuk: Pay attention to the context.
Pembahasan: Lily Florist helps you make your wedding party, birthday party, or gathering to be Super Special. The underlined words are people’s special moments. Therefore, ‘special moments’ can replace the words

Question 9: According to the text, the TRUE statement is ….
A. Flowers can make people to love.
B. Flowers can make money.
C. Lily florist opens at 7 a.m. on Sunday.
D. Lily florist provides fruits.
Petunjuk: Read the first information.
Pembahasan: It is stated from the text that flowers can make people to love.

Question 10: If we want to buy flowers, we can go to Lily Florist on ….
A. Tuesday at 9am.
B. Monday at 7am.
C. Sunday at 8am.
D. Saturday at 7pm.
Petunjuk: Find the word open, and look at the time.
Pembahasan: We buy flowers when the florist opens.
Read: Open: Monday – Saturday, 8am – 6pm


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