Contoh Soal Report Text Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal Report Text – Halo sahabat PenaGuru semua, kali ini admin akan membagikan lagi contoh soal Bahasa inggris. Pokok bahasan yang akan kita bahas adalah tentang contoh soal report text beserta jawabannya. Report text adalah jenis teks yang isinya menggambarkan sesuatu secara umum (general).

Dalam soal kali ini, Anda akan menemukan jenis-jenis soal report text seperti contoh soal report text essay, contoh soal report text tentang teknologi, contoh soal report text tentang handphone, contoh soal report text pendek, contoh soal report text tentang bencana alam, contoh soal report text dan jawabannya, contoh soal report text tentang hewan, contoh soal report text pilihan ganda, contoh soal report text komodo dragon, dan contoh soal report text kelas 9.

Contoh Soal Report Text Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh soal report text berikut ini telah kami lengkapi dengan petunjuk pengerjaan dan pembahasan soal. Silahkan coba kerjakan soal di bawah ini.

Question 1: The function of report text is.…
A. to give information about something, as it is
B. to report news
C. to entertain the readers
D. describe something in particular
Petunjuk: Some texts about animals and plants in encyclopedia are in the form of report text.
Pembahasan: A report text functions to give information about something, as it is. The information given in the report text is based on observation and investigation. Examples of report texts are texts about animals and plants in encyclopedia.

Question 2: The generic structure of report text is.…
A. general classification, description
B. orientation, description
C. orientation, events
D. general statement, Pembahasan:
Petunjuk: A report text functions to give information about something, as it is, based on observation or investigation.
Pembahasan: The generic structure of report text is general classification and description. Through those two parts, report text informs the readers about facts of something, as it is.

Question 3: Sentences you find in the paragraph to support the main ideas are called….
A. Supporting ideas
B. Conclusions
C. Main ideas
D. Topics
Petunjuk: Each paragraph has each main idea. The rest of the sentences in the paragraph elaborates the main idea.
Pembahasan: Each paragraph has each main idea. The rest of the sentences in the paragraph which are called supporting ideas elaborate the main idea.

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Read the following text to answer question no 4 – 6!contoh soal report text

Question 4: The topic of the text above is….
A. The Earth`s natural satellite
B. How to live on the moon
C. Moon of the planets
D. Light of the moon
Petunjuk: Read the text carefully. Topic is what the whole text is all about.
Pembahasan: The text talks about moon, which is the Earth`s natural satellite. so, the topic is “The Earth’s natural satellite”.

Question 5: The following statements are true based on the text above, except….
A. The moon shines.
B. Moon is natural satellite.
C. Other planets also have moon.
D. The earth has many satellites.
Petunjuk: Read the text carefully. Find the statement which is NOT true based on the text.
Pembahasan: From the text we know that the earth has many satellites but the moon is the only natural satellite. Other planets have satellites too which are sometimes called moons. The moon cannot shine. It just reflects the sun light that falls on it.

Question 6: The main idea of the last paragraph is … sentence.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. last
Petunjuk: Read the letter carefully. Main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. Main idea is often written in the beginning or in the end of the paragraph.
Pembahasan: Main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. The paragraph tells us about how the moon is different with our Earth, so the main idea of the paragraph is the first sentence.

Read the following text to answer question no 7 – 10!contoh soal report text

Question 7: The main idea of paragraph two is….
A. Elephants are the best animals
B. Elephants are the biggest animals
C. Elephants live on the land
D. There are two types of elephants
Petunjuk: Read the letter carefully. Main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. Main idea is often written in the beginning or in the end of the paragraph.
Pembahasan: Main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. The paragraph tells us about strengths of elephants which prove that they are the best animals.

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Question 8: The most appropriate title for the text above is.…
A. Elephants are the best large mammals.
B. Elephants are the biggest animals.
C. Elephants have many strengths.
D. Everybody loves elephants.
Petunjuk: Most writers use the topic of the text as the title.
Pembahasan: The topic of the text is about elephants which are the best animals. The text tells us the strengths of those big animals. So, the most appropriate title for the text is elephants are the best large mammals.

Question 9: The word ‘underestimate’ in paragraph two has the closest meaning with….
A. Misjudge
B. Miscalculate
C. fail to calculate
D. fail to analyze
Petunjuk: ‘Under’ means ‘less than’ and ‘estimate’ means ‘guess the value of something’. So, it may be related to guess the value of something incorrectly.
Pembahasan: The word ‘underestimate’ means fail to understand how strong, skillful, intelligent or determined someone is, so the option which has closest meaning with ‘underestimate’ is ‘misjudge”.

Question 10: Below are true based on the text above, except.…
A. Elephant can pick up heavy objects with their hands
B. They very care about and loyal with their friends.
C. Elephants never forget your face.
D. Human`s brain is smaller than elephant`s brain.
Petunjuk: The elephants use their special nose to sense and lift objects.
Pembahasan: The elephants use their special nose to help them swim, to sense the size, shape, and temperature of the object they are lifting. Their special nose is called trunk.


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