Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

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Ketika seseorang memberikan pendapatnya atau menyatakan ide atau pemikirannya, Anda mungkin menganggapnya baik atau tidak dapat diterima. Pada titik ini, Anda mungkin setuju, tidak setuju atau sebagian tidak setuju. Dalam bahasa inggris, itulah yang dinamakan dengan expression of agreement and disagreement.

Expression of Agreement

Expression of Agreement adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan persetujuan atas suatu ide, saran atau pendapat orang lain.

Contoh Expression of Agreement:

  • I agree with you, 100 percent.
  • I couldn’t agree with you more.
  • That’s so true.
  • That’s for sure.
  • (slang) Tell me about it!
  • You’re absolutely right.
  • Absolutely.
  • That’s exactly how I feel.
  • Exactly.
  • I’m afraid I agree with James.
  • I have to side with Dad on this one.
  • No doubt about it.
  • (Agree with negative statement) Me neither.
  • (weak) I suppose so. /I guess so.
  • You have a point there.
  • I was just going to say that.


Agreeing with someone is when at some point of discussion, we confirm that we have the similar idea with him/her. As we state our agreement we may plainly and straightforwardly say (Yes). I agree with you.expression of agreement

For example:

John: Michael Jackson is really the most amazing entertainer.
Jean: I agree. No singers live after him are so multi-talent.

However, we may also use other short phrases which may not directly address our agreement but they reflect it. You are (absolutely) right *is used as we address someone as being right and thus it shows our agreement.

*I am with you on that and I go along with (you/that) are used to show our agreement by somewhat stating that we are on the same side with the person having the idea/thought.

Exactly! *and *That’s a good (idea/point/thought) reflect our agreement in emphasizing the confirmation upon the idea/point/thought being shared.

For example:

Collin: I think it’s going to rain. We’d better take the car.
Mees: Well, you are absolutely right, my friend.

Ringo: Junk food is delicious and practical bit it is quite dangerous for our body.
Paul: I am 100% with you on that.

Dom: Ted is not a good captain of the class. He talks too much
Brian: Exactly.

Expression of Disagreement

Expression of Disagreement adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perasaan tidak setuju atas suatu ide, saran atau pendapat seseorang dalam bahasa inggris.

Contoh Expression of Disagreement

  • I don’t think so.
  • (strong) No way.
  • I’m afraid I disagree.
  • (strong) I totally disagree.
  • I beg to differ.
  • (strong) I’d say the exact opposite.
  • Not necessarily.
  • That’s not always true.
  • That’s not always the case.
  • No, I’m not so sure about that.


Disagreeing with someone is when we claim that we have a different or even the opposite idea or thought. In disagreeing, when we state our disagreement, we may also plainly and straightforwardly say (No). I do not agree with you.

expression of agreement
expression of agreement and disagreement

However, we may also use other short phrases which may not directly address our agreement but they reflect it. See below the further explanation for each phrase given.

You are (absolutely) wrong is used as the opposite of its counterpart You are (absolutely) right when we address someone as being wrong in our opinion and thus it shows our disagreement.

I am not with you on that and I do not go along with (you/that) * are used to show our agreement by somewhat stating that we are NOT on the same side with the person having the idea/thought.

No way! * And hat’s not a good (idea/point/thought) reflect our disagreement upon the idea /point /thought being shared.

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For example:

Brigitta: Reading books is boring and such a waste of time.
Louisa: You are absolutely wrong. Books widen our knowledge of the people and theWorld

Bruce: TV is not good for students.
Natasha: No way. TV helps us to learn.

Partly Disagreeing

Partly disagreeing is when we make confirmation of the similar idea, we have but we also make the denial. The denial is made since some other part of this idea may be different or the opposite of ours. Therefore, we may use the phrases of agreement and follow it with but or however to contrast the two different points in one idea.

In Well, not really. the speaker tries to point out that he/she agrees on some part of the idea but not entirely and this is reflected in not really.

For example:

Bella: The people in the city are so friendly.
Edward: You are right, but they can be annoying sometimes

Kurt: Dad loves tennis more than other sports.
Friederich: Well, not really. I’ve seen him very much enjoying golfing.

Contoh Soal Expression of Agreemet and Disagreement

Berikut ini adalah latihan soal bahasa Inggris agreement and disagreement dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang telah kami lengkapi dengan pembahasan dan petunjuk jawaban. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk menguji sejauh mana penguasaan materi expression of agreement and disagreement.expression of agreement

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from the choices given in each item.
Items 1-5 are based on the dialog on ‘School Party’.

Theo: Okay, friends. The school party will be held on the 25th thus we still have 20 days to go.
Tara: Wait, Theo. (1) … Today is 15th, so we’ve only got 10 days before the due day.
Casey: Let’s move fast then.
Diana: Yes. (2) …, Casey.
Rodney: Okay. As a food committee, I decide that we will have Chicken Curry and the Chicken Soup
for the main dishes.
Lolita: (3) … I think chicken curry and soup simply do not go together.
Dustin: That’s right, Rodney. (4) … Lolita. I think perhaps satay and soup are better.
Rodney: I think (5) … Dustin.

Question 1:
Tara: Wait, Theo. (1) … Today is 15th, so we’ve only got 10 days before the due day.
A. you are wrong
B. you are my friend
C. you are right
D. I agree with you
Clue: Tara disagrees with Theo by claiming that they have only 10 instead of 20 days before the party.
Pembahasan: Tara disagrees with Theo by claiming that they have only 10 instead of 20 days before the party.

Question 2:
Diana: Yes. (2) …, Casey.
A. you are wrong
B. Yes, you are
C. No, you are not
D. you are right
Clue: Diana is expressing agreement on Casey’s previous statement.
Pembahasan: Diana is expressing agreement on Casey’s previous statement.

Question 3:
Lolita: (3) … I think chicken curry and soup simply do not go together.
A. I agree
B. I disagree
C. I am with you
D. I go along with you
Clue: The statement following the phrase denies that curry and soup can go together as the main dishes.
Pembahasan: The statement following the phrase denies that curry and soup can go together as the main dishes.

Question 4:
Dustin: That’s right, Rodney. (4) … Lolita. I think perhaps satay and soup are better.
A. I agree with
B. I disagree with
C. You are wrong
D. No way
Clue: Dustin states his thought which is the same as Lolita’s. Thus, he agrees with Lolita.
Pembahasan: Dustin states his thought which is the same as Lolita’s. Thus, he agrees with Lolita.

Question 5:
Dustin: That’s right, Rodney. (4) … Lolita. I think perhaps satay and soup are better.
A. Exactly
B. No way
C. You are wrong
D. You are right
Clue: Rodney agrees with Dustin’s statement by addressing the statement to be the right statement in the discussion.
Pembahasan: Rodney agrees with Dustin’s statement by addressing the statement to be the right statement in the discussion.expression of agreement

Read the dialog and fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from the choices given in each item
Items 6-10 are based on the dialog on ‘Mom’s Birthday Gift’.

Caitlin: Jaime, what should we buy for mom’s birthday?
Jaime: What about this bag?
Caitlin: No, ……. (6). She’s got way too many bags already.
Jaime: Ah, yeah. She has one wardrobe only for the bags.
Caitlin: ……………. (7). What about this purse?
Jaime: Which one? Do you mean this pink one?
Caitlin: Yeah. Why not? She likes pink.
Jaime: Pink? ……………. (8). Mom hates pink. She gave away the pink dress dad bought for her,
Caitlin: Auch, yeah………………. (9).
Jaime: Hey, let’s buy her this brown one, shall we? She will like it better.
Caitlin: Okay…………. (10). Let’s get it to the cashier and wrap it up along.

Question 6:
Caitlin: No, ……. (6). She’s got way too many bags already.
A. I do not agree
B. You are right
C. That’s a good idea
D. I agree
Clue: Caitlin expresses her disagreement on the bag as a gift because she thinks mom has already had a lot of bags.
Pembahasan: Caitlin expresses her disagreement on the bag as a gift because she thinks mom has already had a lot of bags.

Question 7:
Caitlin: ……………. (7). What about this purse?
A. No way
B. Exactly
C. Agree
D. Disagree
Clue: Jaime agrees by addressing Caitlin’s previous statement to be exactly the reason why they should not buy the bag.
Pembahasan: Jaime agrees by addressing Caitlin’s previous statement to be exactly the reason why they should not buy the bag.

Question 8:
Jaime: Pink? ……………. (8). Mom hates pink. She gave away the pink dress dad bought for her, remember?
A. No way
B. Exactly
C. Agree
D. Disagree
Clue: Jaime disagrees with Caitlin’s previous statement.
Pembahasan: Jaime disagrees with Caitlin’s previous statement.

Question 9:
Caitlin: Auch, yeah………………. (9).
A. I agree
B. I do not agree
C. You are right
D. That’s a good idea
Clue: Caitlin states her agreement that Mom throw away the pink dress because she does not like pink.
Pembahasan: Caitlin states her agreement that Mom throw away the pink dress because she does not like pink.

Question 10:
Caitlin: Okay…………. (10). Let’s get it to the cashier and wrap it up along.
A. I agree
B. I do not agree
C. You are wrong
D. That’s a good idea
Clue: Caitlin states her agreement on Jaime’s thought that the brown purse is a better gift.
Pembahasan: Caitlin states her agreement on Jaime’s thought that the brown purse is a better gift.


Untuk menyatakan rasa setuju maupun tidak setuju dalam bahasa inggris dapat menggunakan beberapa contoh exression of agreement and disagreement yang telah dipaparkan sebelumnya. Namun perlu Anda pahami bahwa dalam menyatakan ketidaksetujuan harus disampaikan secara baik-baik dan sebaiknya turut menyertakan alternatif ide sendiri.

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