Like and Dislike expression merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa suka dan tidak suka terhadap sesuatu/seseorang dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ketika Anda senang kepada sesuatu dapat menggunakan expressing of like sebaliknya jika merasa tidak senang dapat menggunakan expressingo of dislike.
Oleh karena itu dalam artikel kali ini, PenaGuru akan membagikan penjelasan tentang expression of like and dislike lengkap dengan contoh soalnya. Contoh soal like and dislike dapat menjadi instrumen untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman tentang ungkapan like and dislike.
Materi Like and Dislike
Generic Structures
1. In expressing likes and dislikes, kita dapat menggunakan kata kerja seperti like, love, enjoy and hate.
2. Ketika membicarakan tentang people, animals, and things yang kita senangi, kita dapat menggunakan simple present tense, contoh kalimat like and dislike:
- I enjoy fried noodles.
- You love English lesson.
- I and my sister like Raisa (we like Raisa).
- Andra and Susi like hamsters (they like hamsters).
- Messi loves football (he likes football).
- Rika enjoys ice cream (she likes ice cream).
- The lion likes meat (it likes meat).
3. Ketika membicarakan tentang hobi, kita juga menggunakan simple present tense, contoh:
- I love reading story books.
- You like eating chicken soup.
- My parents enjoy watching action movies (they enjoy watching action movies).
- I and my little brother like swimming in the river (we like swimming in the river).
- Akila loves drinking juice (she loves drinking juice).
- Pedro likes playing badminton (he likes playing badminton).
- My cat enjoys chasing mice (it enjoys chasing mice).
When we use verbs after the verbs like, love, and enjoy, then the later verbs should be changed into verb –ing.
4. When using very much or a lot, these expressions should be placed after people/animals/things you like, contoh kalimat like and dislike:
- I like cats very much and NOT I like very much cats.
- We enjoy riding a horse a lot and NOT we enjoy a lot riding a horse.
5. To talk about people, animals and things that we don’t like, we can also use simple present tense, contoh kalimat like and dislike:
- I don’t like dogs.
- You don’t enjoy
- We don’t love Harry Potter a lot.
- They hate washing dirty clothes.
- Cindy doesn’t enjoy loud music (she doesn’t enjoy loud music).
- Ahmad doesn’t like playing basketball very much (he doesn’t like playing basketball very much).
- My dog hates cats very much.
Expressing Likes and Dislikes
Below are some expressions to talk about likes and dislikes
Talking about likes or preferences
- I really like …
- I am crazy about …
- I have always loved …
- I really go for …
- I’d rather …
- I prefer …
- I don’t mind …
- I love …
Talking about dislikes
- I don’t like …
- I’m not really keen on …
- I’m not fond of …
- I can’t stand …
- I’m not too interested in …
- I really hate …
Like and Dislike Expression
Contoh Percakapan Like and Dislike
Agar lebih jelas, silahkan simak contoh dialog like and dislike berikut ini.
Luna: Hello Noah. What kind of music do you like?
Noah: I like pop, rock, and classical music. How about you?
Luna: I also love pop music a lot.
Noah: Do you like Indonesian band?
Luna: I do. I like Slank very much. And you?
Noah: I don’t really keen on Slank. I prefer Peter Pan to Slank.
Luna: Which song do you like most from Peter Pan?
Noah: hmmm…* I am crazy about* Bintang di Surga. This song is really good to hear.
Luna: I like most of Peter Pan songs. But I am not really interested in Bintang di Surga.
Contoh Soal Like and Dislike
Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
Question number 1 to 3 is based on the following text.
Rita is a junior high school student. She likes (1) … television. She usually watches comedy movies. She really (2) … horror movies. In the weekend, she and her parents sometimes (3) … to the cinema for watching latest comedy movies.
Question 1: The correct option for no. 1 is …
A. Watches
B. Watch
C. Watching
D. watched
Clue: the verb form after the verb like
Pembahasan: the verb after the verb like should be in verb –ing form
Question 2: What word suits to fill no. 2?
A. hates
B. hate
C. to hate
D. hated
Clue: Third person singular verb form
Pembahasan: verbs for third person singular should be added with -s or -es.
Question 3: What option is correct to fill no 3?
A. Goes
B. Go
C. to go
D. went
Clue: What is the subject of the sentence?
Pembahasan: the subject of the sentence is plural so that the verb should be in the infinitive verb form.
Question 4: I like listening to music, but I … singing.
A. Like
B. doesn’t like
C. likes
D. don’t like
Clue: What is the function of conjunction but in a sentence?
Pembahasan: the conjunction but is to show that the idea of the first clause is the opposite of the idea of the second clause. The subject is first person, so the negative form should use don’t + V1
Question 5: Sandy doesn’t like … very much. She gives her old bicycle to her niece.
A. Riding
B. Jumping
C. Cycling
D. running
Clue: what activities do you usually do with your bicycle?
Pembahasan: running, walking, and jumping do not require any vehicles, while riding and cycling involve the vehicles. Riding is usually with motorcycle and cycling is usually with bicycle.
Read the dialogue below to answer questions number 6 – 9.
Ardi: “How was the Math test?”
Amanda: “Ah, I was not sure about some of my answers.”
Ardi: “Me, too. Some questions were hard. Anyway, how about looking at the menu?”
Amanda: “Of course. I am really hungry after the Math test.”
Ardi: “Here is the menu. Let’s choose. Which one do you prefer?”
Amanda: “I prefer rice to bread. So, I want to eat fried rice with sunny side up egg, please.”
Ardi: “Ok. I will have soup and meat balls, then.”
Amanda: “Well, how about the drink? Which one do you want?”
Ardi: “I will go with lemon ice. How about you?”
Amanda: “I like lemon ice. But I’d rather have orange juice better than lemon ice.”
Question 6: Where does the conversation take place?
A. at the grocery store
B. at the student hall
C. at the school canteen
D. at the museum
Clue: The speakers mention the word menu, name of food and drinks.
Pembahasan: There are some keywords in the dialogue, such as menu, hungry, and the speakers also mention the name of some food and drinks. This means that the conversation is in the school canteen.
Question 7: Which statement is correct based on the dialogue above?
A. Amanda doesn’t like lemon ice.
B. Amanda likes lemon ice better than orange juice.
C. Amanda drinks orange juice for her lunch.
D. Amanda is not fond of orange juice for her lunch.
Clue: Read the last sentence in the dialogue.
Pembahasan: Amanda said in the last sentence that she’d rather have orange juice better than lemon ice. This means that Amanda will have orange juice for her lunch.
Question 8: Which statement is not true about Ardi?
A. Ardi likes soup.
B. Ardi prefers meat balls to fried rice.
C. Ardi doesn’t want fried rice for his meal that day.
D. Ardi is not very interested in lemon ice.
Clue: Find the wrong statement about Ardi.
Pembahasan: The incorrect statement about Ardi is that Ardi is not very interested in lemon ice. This is because in the dialogue Ardi says, ““I will go with lemon ice.” The sentence means that Ardi is interested in lemon ice and wants to drink it.
Question 9: What kind of language do the speakers use?
A. a formal language
B. an informal language
C. a slang language
D. a scientific language
Clue: Find the relationship between Ardi and Amanda.
Pembahasan: Ardi and Amanda are friends because in the dialogue, they talk about the Math test. Among friends, it is common to use an informal language.
Question 10: What does that statement mean?
My father prefers riding a bike to driving a car.
A. My father doesn’t have a car.
B. My father likes riding a bike very much.
C. My father only has a bike.
D. My father can’t drive.
Clue: Remember the meaning of the words: prefer …to ….
Pembahasan: When using prefer … to …., it means the first is more preferable than the later. In this sentence, father likes using bike better than using car.
Dari penjelasan tersebut kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa untuk menyatakan kesukaan terhadap sesuatu atau seseorang dapat menggunakan varian kata kerja yang menunjukkan expressing of like. Begitu pun dengan sebaliknya jika ingin menyatakan ketidaksukaan terhadap sesuatu dengan menggunakan expression of dislike sesuai dengan generic structure dan kaidah kebahasaan.
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Simak juga video pembelajaran tentang expression of like and dislike berikut ini!