Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 K13 Revisi Lengkap!

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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 K13 – Berikut adalah garis besar materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9, rangkuman materi ini disusun berdasarkan silabuskurikulum 2013 revisi terbaru yang diterbitkan oleh kemdikbud RI. Materi di rangkum berdasarkan pemetaan kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar yang telah disederhanakan sehingga batasan materi menjadi lebih jelas dan tidak mengambang.

Materi bahasa Inggris kelas 9 kurikulum 2013 ini tetap memperhatikan buku paket BSE dari Kemendikbud sehingga lebih mudah dipahami oleh peserta didik. Agar lebih jelasnya, silahkan simak rangkuman materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 K13 semester 1 dan 2 di bawah ini.

Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 Semester 1 K13

Chapter 1. Congratulations, Hope and Wishes

Topics under this unit

  • Congratulating Others: Expressions and Responses
  • Expressions of Congratulations: Verbal and Written
  • Analyzing Expressions of Congratulations
  • Expressing Your Hopes and Wishes
  • Review: Congratulations, Hopes, and Wishes
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Chapter 2. Agree or disagree?

Topics under this unit

  • Agreeing
  • Disagreeing
  • Responses to Agreement and Disagreement
  • Verbal and Written Agreement/ Disagreement
  • Review: Agreeing vs Disagreeing

Chapter 3. Procedures

Topics under this unit

  • Understanding Manuals and Recipes
  • Procedural Text: Recipes
  • Procedural Text: Manual
  • Composing Manuals and Recipes
  • Analyzing Various Manuals and Recipes

Chapter 4. Obligation, Suggestion & Intentions

Topics under this unit

  • Stating and Asking for Obligation (School Setting)
  • Understanding Verbal and Written Expressions of Intention
  • Stating and Asking for Obligation (Home Setting)
  • Verbal and Written Expressions of Obligation & Suggestion
  • Intention
  • Stating and Asking for Suggestion (School Setting)
  • Stating and Asking for Suggestion (Home Setting)
  • Review: Obligation, Suggestion, and Intention

Chapter 5. Instruction & Prohibition

Topics under this unit

  • Instruction and Prohibition
  • Verbal and Written Instruction vs Prohibition
  • Understanding Labels
  • How to Make Labels
  • Review: Analyzing Labels
  • Review: Prohibition and Instructions in Various Contexts
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Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 K13 Semester 2 Lengkap

Chapter 6. Stories

Topics under this unit

  • Analyzing Narrative (verbal and written)
  • Passive Voice
  • Passive Voice in Various Texts
  • Understanding Narrative: Folktales, Short Stories
  • Review: Folktales and Short Stories

Chapter 7. Factual Reports

Topics under this unit

  • Factual Reports
  • Understanding Factual Reports
  • Composing Factual Reports
  • Review: Analyzing Factual Reports

Chapter 8. Past, Present, Future

Topics under this unit

  • Grammar Focus: Present Perfect Tense
  • Past, Present, Future in Texts
  • Present Perfect Tense in Texts
  • Review Future Tense: Will vs Be Going To
  • Cause – Effect
  • Verbal and Written Texts of Cause and Effect
  • Grammar Timeline: Past, Present, Future
  • Review Past Tense: Simple and Continous
  • Review Present Tense: Simple and Continuous

Chapter 9. Advertisement Text

Topics under this unit

  • Advertisements
  • Understanding Various Advertisement
  • Review: Analyzing Various Ads

Chapter 10. Songs

Topics under this unit

  • Language and Elements of Songs
  • Song Appreciation

Semoga rangkuman materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 K13 revisi semester 1 dan 2 lengkap tersebut dapat bermanfaat dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP.