Materi Recount Text : Definition, Generic Structure, Function, dan Contohnya!

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Materi Recount Text

PenaGuru.Com–  Pada artikel yang telah lalu admin telah membagikan materi tentang teks prosedur, teks naratif, teks descriptif, dan teks label. Tentunya kalian masih pad ingat kan jenis-jenis teks yang ada dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris. Kali ini admin akan membahas tentang teks berikutnya, yaitu Recount text. Materi recount text ini biasanya mulai dipelajari di tingkatan kelas 8 SMP.

Definition of Recount Text

Apa sih recount text itu? Dari segi arti kata “recount” berarti menceritakan kembali, sehingga dapat di definisikan bahwa recount text adalah suatu jenis teks yang isinya menceritakan tentang suatu kegiatan atau tindakan atau peristiwa yang telah terjadi di masa lampau. Umumnya berisi tentang pengalaman seseorang yang diceritakan dengan tujuan untuk menghibur pendengar atau pembaca.

Lantas apa yang membedakannya dengan narrative text, jika sama-sama bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca? Perbedaannya yaitu jika teks naratif lebih fokus kepada cerita imajinatif yang bersifat fiksi maka teks recount berasal dari peristiwa atau pengalaman yang telah dialami oleh seseorang. Sehingga dalam teks recount tidak terdapat adanya konflik seperti yang ada dalam teks naratif.

Characteristic of Recount Text

Ciri-ciri recount text yaitu :

  1. Menggunakan past tense dalam kalimatnya, jadi biasanya kita dapat identifikasi dari kata kerja yang digunakan seperti went, arrived, got, swam, dan seterusnya.
  2. Menggunakan adverb phrase, umumnya adverb of time and place. Terdapat kata keterangan tempat dan waktu misalnya, last moth, last sunday, in Liukang Island, in Komodo Island.
  3. Menggunakan kata hubung (conjunction) dan urutan waktu seperti, first, next, then, afterthat.

Generic Structure of Recount Text

materi recount text
materi recount text. source :

Ada tiga bagian struktur penting yang harus kita perhatikan dalam membuat recount text.

1. Orientation

Pada tahap pertama kita harus memberikan informasi yang  berisi tentang latar belakang, siapa, kapan dan dimana peristiwa tersebut terjadi sehingga mampu membantu pembaca dalam memahami isi keseluruhan teks.

Misalnya :

Last week, I spent my holiday at my grandfather’s house. I went there with my brother, Andi. My grandfather’s house is not big but it is so comfortable. It is surrounded by a garden with a lot of plants and flowers.

2. Events

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Pada bagian ini kita berisi tentang rentetan kejadian yang ingin diceritakan secara kronologis sesuai urutan waktu peristiwa. Jangan lupa untuk menggunakan adverbial phrase dan conjunction.

3. Re-orientation

Bagian terakhir atau penutup dari recount text yang merupakan kesimpulan dari cerita kita. Kita dapat menambahkan opini, pesan, dan kesan terhadap kejadian yang diceritakan.

Types of Recount Text

materi recount text
materi recount text. source :

Recount text dapat dibedakan kedalam beberapa jenis, yaitu :

1. Personal Recount

Isi dari jenis recount text ini menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi yang telah dialami oleh penulis.

2. Factual Recount

Jenis teks ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan laporan suatu peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi, seperti laporan kepolisian dan laporan ujicoba suatu hasil penelitian.

3. Imaginative Recount

Teks recount jenis ini dapat dikatakan hampir mirip dengan naratif teks karena menceritakan tentang pengalaman imajinatif seperti seseorang yang bermimpi di dalam tidurnya kemudian esok harinya menceritakan kepada orang lain.

Contoh Recount Text

Contoh 1

Vacation to The Uelanti 


Last sunday, my friends and I went to the Uelanti river to swim. We went there by motorcycle. We arrived at 8 a.m. The river was beautiful and cool.


It was very fun at the river. We swam together. Then, we roasted fishes and ate them with the kapurung that we bought from my house. After we ate, we swam again and again.


We went home at 13.00 p.m. It was a memorable moment for us.

Contoh 2

Meet David Beckham

materi recount text
materi recount text. source :


On Wednesday 30, November 2011, there was a friendly match between Indonesian Selection Team and Los Angeles Galaxy FC. It held on  Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta. I went there with my friend, Abdul.


Before entering the stadium, we looked for the bus that took los Angeles Galaxy players. Then, we followed the bus to main-gate. I found that David Beckham left from the bus. I called his name, but when we wanted to get close to him, a security held us back. But David Beckham gave a code to the security to let me get close. I was very happy at the time. Finally, I could take a picture with my idol and got his signature on my jersey.

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Next, I went back to my seat and the referee just started the match. It was an amazing day for me.

Contoh 3

Visiting Tana Toraja

materi recount text
materi recount text


Last February, I went to Toraja with UNM Creates students. UNM Creates is a short course program from Makassar State University for international students. At that time, the participants were from Korea, India, and Taiwan.


We departed from Makassar to Toraja at 6.30 AM by bus. Fortunately, there was no traffic jam so we could arrive in Toraja at 01.30 PM. Before we went to Gua Lemo, we had lunch at Sentosa Restaurant first. We ate Kapurung. For some students, it was their first time trying Kapurung. They said it was delicious.

Then we went to Gua Lemo. It took more than one hour and a half to go there from the restaurant. At 3.00 PM, we arrived at Gua Lemo. Before we enter the area, we bought some souvenirs in the souvenir shop. At exactly 3.30 PM, we entered the area of Gua Lemo. It was a grave that made in the cave.

After we looked the cave, we went to Kapurung Resto to get dinner. We ate kapurung which is traditional foods made from sago flour. After we had dinner, we went to our hotel which is not too far away from Kapurung resto to get some rest.

The day after that, we started the day with getting breakfast at the hotel. Then we departed to Lolai at 7.45 AM. From the hotel, we spent more than two hours on the way to Lolai. After we arrived, we walked around the mount to explore. It was very cool. There were a bunch of cloud at that time. After we spent enough time there, we had lunch and returned to Makassar.


We were very tired when we arrived in Makassar, but we had a lot of fun during the cultural visit. It was very nice to go to Toraja and I hope I can go there again sometime.

Demikian penjelasan tentang materi recount text, semoga dapat bermanfaat buat semua sahabat pena.

Salam Penaguru.