Materi Preposition of Time In, On, At dan Contohnya!
Pengertian Preposition of Time – Setelah membahas preposition of place pada postingan sebelumnya, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang preposition of time.
What is preposition of time?
Kata depan waktu adalah kata depan yang memungkinkan Anda mendiskusikan periode waktu tertentu seperti tanggal di kalender, salah satu hari dalam seminggu, atau waktu sebenarnya terjadi sesuatu. Kata depan waktu adalah kata yang sama dengan kata depan tempat, namun digunakan dengan cara yang berbeda.
Preposition of time adalah preposisi atau kata depan dalam bahasa Inggris yang dipakai untuk meyatakan waktu. Waktu (time) tersebut dimunculkan dengan menggabungan preposition dengan objek yang menyertainya yang kita kenal dengan object of preposition.
What are the differences of preposition of time and place?
Ketika penutur bahasa Inggris berbicara tentang waktu dan tempat, ada tiga kata kecil yang sering muncul: in, on, dan at. Kata-kata umum ini adalah kata depan yang menyatakan hubungan antara dua kata dalam satu kalimat.
Basic formula
prepositional phrase = preposition + object of preposition
Objek preposition of time umumnya berupa kata benda atau frasa kata benda. Adapun kombinasi antara preposisi dan objeknya disebut prepositional phrase.
Kalimat pada gambar tersebut berisi prepositional phrase “for a few weeks” dengan “for” sebagai preposition of time dan noun phrase “a few weeks” sebagai object of preposition.
Contoh Preposition of Time
- after (sesudah/setelah: after breakfast, after monday, after leaving office)
- at (jam: at 8 in the morning, at 10:00, at 7 o’clock; hari, bagian hari: at midday, at noon, at night, at midnight; hari libur dan raya: at the christmas, at the weekend; at the beginning (pada awalnya))
- before (sebelum: before dinner, before today, before the due date)
- by (menjelang (pada/sebelum waktu): by the end of this year)
- during (selama: during the holiday, during the pandemic)
- for (selama: for a month; untuk jam (tertentu/spesific): for 8 pm)
- from (dimulai pada: from Jakarta to Bali, from January to March)
- in (waktu yang terentang lama (musim, tahun, bulan, dan abad): in (the) summer, in 2021, in August, in the twentieth century; at some time during, at the time of: in the night; dalam periode waktu mendatang: in 5 months; durasi (dalam, selama…): in three weeks; [phrase] in time (pada waktunya); [phrase] in the end ((pada) akhirnya))
- of (sebelum: ten minutes of ten o’clock)
- off (to or at a particular distance away in time or space: several hours off)
- on (nama hari, tanggal, hari libur, dan hari raya: on Friday morning, on Saturday, on July 17, 2020, on the Pancasila day, on your enggagement day; [phrase] on time (tepat waktu; tidak terlambat))
- over (selama (periode): over quarantine, over earth hour)
- past (melebihi: half past seven (7:30))
- since (sejak: since January, since last month)
- till (sampai, hingga: till Sunday afternoon, till next month)
- to (kurang: five to twelve (11:55))
- until (hingga; kondisi yg berlangsung dan akan berakhir pada waktu tertentu di masa depan: until night, until next month)
Contoh Kalimat Preposition of Time dan Artinya
- Do you feel bored after class? (Apakah kamu merasa bosan setelah kelas?)
- I have dinner at 8 o’clock (Saya makan malam pada pukul 8.)
- I’m going to meet my grandpa during my holiday (Saya akan menemui kakekku selama liburanku)
- She was married in March (Dia menikah di bulan Maret.)
- Juwita has been here since last week (Juwita sudah disini sejak minggu lalu.)
- It’s half past nine. (Pukul 8:30.)
- It’s a quarter to 11. (Pukul 10:45.)
- Many stores don’t open on Fridays. (Banyak toko tutup dihari jumat)
- It gets hot at night (Terasa sangat panas di malam hari)
- The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. (Dinosaurus punah 65 juta tahun yang lalu)
Contoh Soal Preposition of Time Exercise
Berikut ini kami lampirkan 15 nomor example of preposition of time exercise yang bisa menjadi bahan latihan di rumah.
- History is the study of events that occured_____the past
- We don’t know what will happen_____the future
- Newspaper reports event that happen_____the present
- Last year she was a junior in her team_____present, she is a senior in her team.
- He is a student_____the present time, But he will graduate next year.
- Mr. Robby can’t come to the hospital right now. He is in a meeting_____the moment
- My father usually takes a walk____the morning before he go to the office.
- Amri likes to take a nap____the morning.
- My family enjoys spending time together____the night
- My brother always stays at home_____night
- Ake ate lunch____noon
- Brian got home_____midnight
- Budi moved to this village____Ocktober
- His family moved here______2019
- Rivan moved to Japan______december 2020
- in
- in
- in
- at
- in
- at
- in
- in
- in
- at
- at
- at
- on
- on
- in
Demikianlah pembahasan materi preposition of time in, on, at, dan contoh soal nya. Semoga bermanfaat.
At, on and in (time). Accessed on Januaryy 24, 2020.