Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Jam dan Jawabannya

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Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang jam dan jawabannya berikut ini merupakan Latihan soal yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk memperkuat pemahaman materi tentang jam dalam Bahasa Inggris. Meskipun pembahasan materi ini telah mulai diajarkan dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD. Akan tetapi masih banyak yang bingung bagaimana cara menyelesaikan soal Latihan telling the time. Oleh karena itu silahkan simak dan pelajari contoh soal yang akan kami berikan.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Jam

Melalui Latihan soal yang ada di bawah ini diharapkan Anda dapat mengetahui bagaimana cara membaca jam dalam bahasa inggris. Sehingga nantinya Anda tidak hanya sekedar mengetahui Bahasa Inggris jam dinding atau hanya mampu menyebutkan jam 6.30 dalam bahasa inggris.

Untuk membantu Anda dalam menjawab soal Bahasa inggris tentang jam ini, kami telah menyediakan petunjuk dan pembahasan soal di tiap-tiap nomor. Dengan demikian Anda tidak akan mengalami kesulitan yang berarti dalam memecahkan setiap pertanyaan yang ada.

Oke, langsung saja pelajari contoh soal latihan waktu dalam bahasa inggris berikut ini.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Jam dan Kunci Jawaban

Question 1: 08.35 is ….

soal bahasa inggris tentang jam
soal bahasa inggris tentang jam

A. eight thirty
B. eight past thirty five
C. thirty-five to eight
D. twenty-five to nine
Petunjuk: 35 minutes
Pembahasan: Past is used until half past, 35 minutes is over half past, so the correct answer is using “to”.

Question 2: Read the following dialogue
Mike: “Hi Sam, what time will you come to my house?”
Sam: “I will come at a quarter past ten. See you then.”
Sam will come to Mike’s house at ….
A. 10.1
B. 9.15
C. 9.45
D. 10.45
Petunjuk: at a quarter past ten
Pembahasan: Sam said a quarter past ten. Past is used after the hour. So, it is fifteen minutes after ten.

Question 3: Read the following dialogue
Tom: “What time is it?”
Jack: “It is three thirty.”
Find the answer with similar meaning with three thirty: …
A. thirty to three
B. a half past three
C. three to four
D. a half past four
Petunjuk: thirty minutes
Pembahasan: Jack says three thirty; he said time directly by tells the number of times. Thirty minutes is same with a half, so it a half hour after three o’clock.

Baca juga :  3 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-Hari di Rumah Singkat

Question number 4 to 5 is based on the following text.

soal bahasa inggris tentang jam
soal bahasa inggris tentang jam

I wake up at six o’clock. I have breakfast at a quarter to seven. I go to school by bicycle approximately two minutes from my house. My class starts at seven thirty and finishes at a quarter past two. I have English course at four thirty with my private teacher until six o’clock.

Question 4: The time I have breakfast is ….
A. 7.15
B. 6.15
C. 6.45
D. 6.30
Petunjuk: A quarter to seven
Pembahasan: On the first line mentions the time of breakfast, it says at a quarter to seven, it means fifteen minutes before seven.

Question 5: The English Course takes place for ….
A. 1,5 hours
B. 2 hours
C. 1 hour
D. 75 minutes
Petunjuk: from four thirty to six o’clock
Pembahasan: On the last line mentions the English Course starts at four thirty and finishes at six o’clock, it means the duration of English Course is 1,5 hours

Question 6: Read the following conversation!
Sam: “When did you arrive in Indonesia?”
Ben: “I arrived in Indonesia a week ago, …………..March 10th.”
The missing preposition is: …
A. In
B. On
C. At
D. in the
Petunjuk: a week ago
Pembahasan: It uses ON because it is consisting of month and specific date even though it does not mention the year. It also gives information that Ben has been stayed in Indonesia for a week.

Question 7: I have special plans next year. …………….. 2022, I am going to visit Papua and Raja Ampat.
A. On
B. At
C. In the
D. In
Petunjuk: 2022
Pembahasan: I say next year but not give the specific time, it only mentions the year, so the proper preposition for year is In.

Question 8: Ir. Soekarno declared the independent of Indonesia ……………… August 17th, 1945. All Indonesia citizens celebrate Independence Day every August 17th.
A. in the
B. at
C. on
D. in
Petunjuk: August 17th, 1945
Pembahasan: It is clearly stated all the specific date, month and year, so the correct preposition is On

Question number 9 to 10 is based on the following text.

soal bahasa inggris tentang jam
soal bahasa inggris tentang jam

On the weekend, I like to spend my holiday at home. In the morning, I clean all my room and tidy up my stuffs. After that, (9) …………………..afternoon I like reading a book. (10) ………….. night, I prefer watching movies with my family.

Question 9: The correct preposition to fill blank no. 9 is: …
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. in the
Petunjuk: What preposition goes with ‘afternoon’?
Pembahasan: On the second line it mentions afternoon, it means the activity happen around 12.01until sunset. Because it is afternoon, so the preposition is in the.

Question 10: The correct answer to fill blank no. 10 is: …
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. in the
Petunjuk: What preposition goes with ‘night’?
Pembahasan: It is a special case for night. It is not like other period of time in a day, night uses “At” not “in the” like other period time in a day. It uses night because the activity watching movies happens between after evening before sunrise.

Akhir Kata

Demikian Latihan soal Bahasa Inggris tentang jam beserta dengan pembahasan yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga membantu Anda memahami materi Bahasa inggris tentang waktu, khususnya jam dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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