Latihan Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

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Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban – Halo sahabat PenaGuru, kali ini admin akan membagikan latihan soal tryout bahasa inggris kelas IX beserta dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Contoh soal try out bahasa inggris ini sangat cocok digunakan sebagai latihan menjelang pelaksanaan ujian nasional atau ANBK.

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Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

Dalam soal tryout bahasa inggris kelas 9 berikut terdiri dari gabungan materi kelas 7 8 dan 9 SMP. Masing-masing disesuaikan dengan persentase sesuai dengan kisi kisi ujian nasional. Selain telah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban, soal yang memerlukan penjelasan lebih akan kami bahas melalui pembahasan soal try out bahasa inggris kelas 9.

Oke, langsung saja simak latihan soal tryout bahasa inggris kelas 9 berikut ini.

The following text is for question no. 1-2Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

1. By reading the text the readers will….
A. take freely the food and the drink inside the fridge
B. be forbidden to put the drink inside the fridge
C. put their food there without feeling guilty
D. keep the refrigerator away from children

2. If the readers do not obey the notice they might ….
A. put chemicals in the refrigerator
B. put all the food and the drink
C. be afraid put something inside the fridge
D. not know where to get the food and drink

The following text is for question no. 3-4Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

3. The card is sent with the aim to ….
A. express Joanne’s appreciation on Fahmi as the class star
B. congratulate Fahmi on his winning the competition
C. inform the classmates that Fahmi is the best
D. admire Fahmi’s bright smile

4. The phrase “your bright smile lights up our classroom every day” means that ….
A. Fahmi’s smile glow every day
B. Joanne likes Fahmi’s smile
C. The students in the class admires Fahmi’s hospitality
D. Fahmi always smile everyday in the classroom

The following text is for question no. 5-8Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

5. The text is about ….
A. the writer’s laptop
B. the writer’s experience
C. The best laptop she has
D. the uses of the write’s laptop

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6. With the laptop, the writer can do the followings, except …
A. play music
B. type the assignment
C. watch film
D. call a friend

7. The main idea of the second paragraph is ….
A. the laptop is very useful for the writer
B. the performance of the laptop is nice
C. the writer always bring the laptop
D. the laptop application system is complete

8. the writer loves her laptop very much… its great advantages.
A. due to
B. so that
C. in order to
D. because

The following text is for question no. 9-11Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

9. The writer wrote the text to ….
A. tell how to come to the Sea World
B. share his experience in Australia
C. show his admiration to the fish
D. describe Sea World in detail.

10. What is the most interesting thing for the writer in the Oceanorium?
A. A man who fed the shark
B. the life creature under the water
C. the girls who ride on the back of whale
D. the restaurant around the Sea World

11.The writer spent his holiday … Australia.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for

The following text is for question no. 12-13Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban
12. The text is written to ….

A. inform the students about the welcoming ceremony
B. tell the students about the exchange students program
C. let the students know the dresscode on Fridays
D. remind the students to attend the ceremony

13. What will the students of SMP Kusuma Bangsa do?
A. attend the flag ceremony
B. hold the students exchange
C. wear the new school uniform
D. welcome the guests from England

The following text is for question no. 14-17Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban
14. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To teach the readers to be grateful person
B. To teach the readers how to help friend
C. To persuade the readers to enjoy the story
D. To remind the students the impartance od a friend

15. From the text we can conclude that the han is ….creature.
A. generous
B. envious
C. selfish
D. stingy

16.The problem of the story occured when ….
A. the farmer brought the goose home
B. the farmer treated the two animals unfair
C. the hen wanted to have golden egg like the goose
D. The farmer slaughtered the goose to get more golden egg

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17.“ … took her to his home” (paragraph 3)
The italic word refers to ….
A. the hen
B. the goose
C. the farmer
D. the egg

The following text is for question no. 18Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban18. What is the most suitable sentence to complete the dialogue above?
A. I will go to accompany you.
B. How about going to the beach?
C. I will wait for you in my house.
D. Don’t be home.

The following text is for question no. 19-20Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban19. Rendy wrote the text to ….
A. let his father know his lateness of coming home
B. tell that he will take his Mom to the supermarket
C. inform that the English extracurricular is cancelled
D. tell that his Mom will go to the supermarket with him

20. After reading the message Rendy’s father will likely ….
A. come home late from the office
B. Join the English extra-curricular
C. go to the supermarket with his wife
D. tell his wife what their son has texted

The following text is for question no. 21-22Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban21.Th text above is written to …. of Milk Calcium
A. give the detailed information
B. promote the superiority
C. advertise the benefits
D. tell the side effects

22. The medicine is produced to ….
A. heal the fever
B. cure headache
C. increase health
D. decrease temperature

Pembahasan Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

  • Jawaban soal nomor 1 adalah C. ini sesuai dengan pernyataan teks dimana hanya makanan dan minuman yang diperbolehkan di dalam pendingin.
  • Jawaban nomor 2 adalah A. Jika pembaca tidak mematuhi teks tersebut, bisa saja mereka memasukkan bahan-bahan kimia.
  • Jawaban nomor 3 adalah A. Joanne mengirim ucapan selamat kepada Fahmi atas keberhasilan menjadi bintang kelas.
  • Jawaban nomor 4 adalah D. Ini sesuai dengan kalimat pertanyaan.
  • Jawaban nomor 5 adalah A. Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang laptop si penulis.
  • Jawaban nomor 6 adalah D.
  • Jawaban nomor 7 adalah A
  • Jawaban nomor 8 adalah D
  • Jawaban nomor 9 adalah B. Penulis menceritakan pengalamannya di Australia.
  • Jawaban nomor 10 adalah A. Ini bisa dilihat pada paragraf 2 baris 6 dan 7.

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