50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya sebagai bahan Latihan untuk peserta didik jenjang SMA SMK sederajat dalam bentuk pilihan ganda berasal dari materi semester genap kelas XI. Pada postingan sebelumnya admin juga telah membagikan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban.

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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

Oke langsung saja simak 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya kurikulum 2013 berikut ini.

1. Find the correct sentence that has passive form.

A. The house will be painted by them next week.
B. Father likes drinking coffee every morning.
C. The police arrested the thief last night.
D. I plan to give her a reward.
E. The boy whom I introduced to you is a new student.

Jawaban: A

2. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence below.

“The floor …. by the servants every day.”

A. is swept
B. is sweeping
C. will be swept
D. has been swept
E. was being swept

Jawaban: A

3. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence below.

“The students ….. ethics by her so that they respect people in their surroundings.”

A. Should be taught
B. Should taught
C. Should been taught
D. Should be teaching
E. Should have taught

Jawaban: A

4. State the sentence below into passive form.

“The painter is drawing a beautiful lady.”

A. The beautiful lady is being drawn by the painter.
B. The beautiful lady is drawn by the painter.
C. The painter. is drawn by the beautiful lady.
D. The painter has been drawn by the beautiful lady.
E. The beautiful lady was drawing by the painter.

Jawaban: A

5. Analyze the mistake in the sentence below.

“The work must be finish by the students on time or they will get punishment from the teacher.”

A. The verb ‘finish’ is wrong because it should use past participle.
B. The verb ‘get’ should be changed into past participle.
C. The position between the students and the teacher should be exchanged.
D. The auxiliary ‘must’ should be followed by ‘been’.
E. There is no mistake.

Jawaban: A

6. Identify the meaning of passive form below.

“Steve has been given the suggestion to stop smoking.”

A. Somebody has given Steve the suggestion to stop smoking.
B. The suggestion to stop smoking was given to Steve.
C. The suggestion to stop smoking has been given by Steve.
D. Steve gives suggestion to stop smoking.
E. The suggestion to stop smoking about Steve has been given.

Jawaban: A

7. Analyze the passive form in the conversation below.

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Windi: I’m wondering when the seminar will be held. I’m afraid it will clash with the schedule our final exam.
Ulfah: I’ll look for some information whether it … or not.

A. has been already scheduled
B. has not scheduled yet
C. has to schedule
D. has been scheduling
E. has not been scheduled yet

Jawaban: A

8. Pay attention to the following conversation between Rahmat and Witan in an electronic center.

50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

Choose the most suitable condition that fits to the context.

A. If I had more money, I would buy that laptop.
B. I would have bought that laptop If I had had more money.
C. When I had more money, I would buy that laptop.
D. If I have more money, I will buy that laptop.
E. If I had more money, I would have bought that laptop.

Jawaban: A

9. Define the conditional sentence type 3 from the following.

A. If I had met him yesterday, I would have told him that I really need his help.
B. If I were in London now, I would be playing snowball with my friends.
C. She will sign the contract if you ask her.
D. If he were a bit taller, he would be accepted as a flight attendant.
E. They will continue their trip when the rain stops.

Jawaban: A

10. Identify the conversation that shows the expression of regret.

A. Arhan: What’s wrong? Irfan: My bad! I would not have left my passport if this morning I had checked my baggage twice.
B. Arhan: What’s wrong? Irfan: My bad! I would not had left my passport if this morning I had checked my baggage twice.
C. Arhan: What’s wrong? Irfan: My bad! I will not have left my passport if this morning I check my baggage twice.
D. Arhan: What’s wrong? Irfan: My bad! I would not leave my passport if this morning I checked my baggage twice.
E. Arhan: What’s wrong? Irfan: My bad! I would not had left my passport if this morning I checked my baggage twice.

Jawaban: A

11. Pay attention to the following conversation between Ratih and Sule.

Ratih: Why are you late again?
Sule: I got a traffic jam.
Ratih: Sule, the boss will fire you if you are late again. Please be on time.

From the conversation between Sule and Ratih, it can be inferred that….
A. It is possible for the boss to fire Sule anytime when he comes late again.
B. It is improbable for the boss to fire Sule anytime when he comes late again.
C. Firing Sule is nonsense when he comes late again.
D. It was possible for the boss to fire Sule anytime when he comes late again.
E. It was improbable for the boss to fire Sule anytime when he comes late again.

Jawaban: A

12. The following conversations have correct conditional situation, EXCEPT….

A. A : She would go nowehere if she did not passed the exam last week. B : Yeah. Now she is enjoying her holiday.
B. A : What would you do if you were the President? B : If I were the President, I would grant education free of charge for everyone.
C. A : If Bambang had played in the match last night, our favourite cricket team would have won the competition. B : I agree!
D. A : I will give you her number if you come to my house B : Okay, then. See you soon.
E. A : If I took architecture, I would be an architect. B : Yeah. If you took medicine, you would be a doctor.

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Jawaban: A

13. Pay attention to the following sentence:

It would have been easy to contact you if I had had asked your number at that time.

The following sentences have the same type of conditional sentence as the above sentence, EXCEPT…
A. If we had a boat, it would be easy for us to go to that island.
B. If I had washed my clothes yesterday, I would not have run out of cloth today.
C. She would have been here if you had told her last night.
D. If I had locked my office, I would not have lost my expensive pen.
E. Ananda would have come to the party last night if Ramon had invited her.

Jawaban: A

Read the following text and answer the question 14-16.

50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

14. What was the worst thing a person could do in public in 1922?

A. Attract attention
B. Be shy
C. Be rude
D. Shove a lady
E. Lose a hat

Jawaban: A

15. Which word best describes American society in 1922?

A. Strict
B. Free
C. Sensuous
D. Emotional
E. Loud

Jawaban: A

16. How might you describe the relationship between men and women during this time period?

A. Distant
B. Free
C. Close
D. Avoided completely
E. Criminal

Jawaban: A

Read the following text and answer the question 17-18.

50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

17. The author feels that the selection of guests is….

A. A task that requires much thought and planning
B. A “sense” that only good hostesses have
C. A skill that can be practiced
D. An easy task which can be accomplished with a list
E. A task that requires expert advice

Jawaban: A

18. A good hostess must consider…

A. What her guests will like and appreciate
B. What her husband likes and appreciates
C. The finances involved for a dinner party
D. What she likes and appreciates
E. The formality of dinner invitations

Jawaban: A

Read the following text and answer the question 19-20.

50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

19. To be chic, a woman should…

A. Combine old and new fashions
B. Be elegant
C. Wear Greek drapery
D. Wear classic fashions
E. Refuse new fashions

Jawaban: A

20. The author believes the word “elegant” was destroyed; she was probably referring to…

A. overuse; the word was so popular that it lost its meaning
B. the fact that foreign terms were better for describing fashion
C. the fact that elegance no longer existed in America
D. there had been too many changes in fashion
E. the fact that elegance no longer existed among older women

Jawaban: A

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