Contoh Soal Congratulation Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal Congratulation Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya – Kali ini sobat PenaGuru akan membagikan contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menguji pemahaman tentang materi congratulation dalam Bahasa Inggris. Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui bersama bahwa expressing of congratulation merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan selamat kepada orang lain.

Nah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penguasaan materi tentang congratulation, silahkan pelajari contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya yang kami berikan di bawah ini. Latihan soal tersebut telah kami lengkapi dengan petunjuk atau clue sehingga akan memudahkan Anda dalam menyelesaikannya. Untuk soal yang memerlukan pembahasan lebih lanjut telah kami sertakan penjelasan secara terperinci.

Contoh Soal Congratulation Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

Okey tanpa perlu panjang lebar lagi, silahkan simak latihan soal congratulation pilihan ganda berikut ini.

Question 1: To congratulate someone who passes from English test, we can say ….
A. Congratulations.
B. You are smart.
C. Marvelous.
D. Good job.
Clue: Which expression is used to congratulate someone?
Pembahasan: The expression used to congratulate someone is “Congratulations”

Question 2: Lita got new shoes as a surprise gift at an Indonesian Independence event at school. You will say ….
A. Congratulations for the prize.
B. Thanks for buying me shoes.
C. I like your shoes.
D. Your shoes are so beautiful.
Clue: Which expression is used to congratulate someone?
Pembahasan: To give someone compliment about Lita’s luck in getting the prize, you can say, “Congratulations for the prize.”

Question 3: The correct way to respond to an expression of congratulations is ….
A. Thank you
B. I’m the best
C. You’re my friend
D. You too
Clue: What is the suitable respond?
Pembahasan: We can say “thank you” when someone is complimenting us.

Baca juga :  Contoh Soal Narrative Text Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasannya

Question 4: Read the following dialogue to answer questions number 4.

Raka: Hey Ridho, how are you?
Ridho: Very well, thanks. How about you Raka?
Raka: I’m busy as always. Congratulations on your success as the winner of badminton competition. To be the top in that competition is not easy. I’m proud of you Ridho.
Ridho: Thank you. How do you know that?
Raka: My sister told me about it yesterday. She also followed the competition.
Ridho: Oh, I see.
I’m proud of you Ridho.”
The italic word has the same meaning to ….
A. Pleased
B. Love
C. Like
D. care
Clue: Find the synonym of the word “proud”.
Pembahasan: The synonym of the word “proud” is “pleased”.

Question 5: Read this dialogue and asnwer the question.
Indah: Congratulations on your wedding.
Ina: Thank you very much.
The dialogue tells us about ….
A. Ina’s winning in the competition.
B. Ina’s new dress.
C. Indah achievement in competition.
D. Ina’s wedding party.
Clue: Which statement is true based on the dialogue?
Pembahasan: From the dialogue we know that Ina celebrated her wedding because Indah said, “Congratulations on your wedding.”

Read the card to answer questions 6 – 8.

contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya
contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya –

Question 6: The sender of the card is ….
A. Tata
B. Tita
C. Tata’s friend
D. Tita’s sister
Clue: Find it in the bottom of the card.
Pembahasan: The sender of the text is usually written in the bottom of the card. The sender of the card is Tata.

Question 7: The card is written to ….
A. Congratulate Tita.
B. Congratulate Tata.
C. Give spirit to Tita.
D. Invite Tita for holiday.
Clue: Remember the purpose of the card.
Pembahasan: The purpose of writing card is to congratulate Tita in New Year.

Question 8: From the card, we know that Tita is ….
A. The Receiver
B. The Author
C. The Writer
D. The Sender
Clue: Who is Tita?
Pembahasan: From the card, we know that Tita is the receiver of the card.

Baca juga :  Contoh Teks Prosedur Sederhana dalam Kehidupan Sehari Hari

Read the card to answer questions 9 – 10.

contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya
contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya – PenaGuru.Com

Question 9: Analyze the tone of the above card. The language is ….
A. Casual
B. Polite
C. very polite
D. formal
Clue: Read the first sentence of the card.
Pembahasan: The word ‘congrats’ shows that the card’s tone is casual. Casual or informal is a situation that occurs between people who know each other very well. In the above card, we know that it is between a brother and a sister.

Question 10: From the text, we know that the following statements are correct, except ….
A. Rama just graduated from Senior High School.
B. Rama will continue to Senior High School.
C. Rama is the only son in the family.
D. Rama has a sister.
Clue: Find the information in the text.
Pembahasan: From the text we know that Rama passed from junior high school, we know it from the statement “…hope you get the High School that you want.” It means that he is in Junior High School and wants to continue in Senior High School.


Memang tidak terlalu sulit untuk mengerjakan contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya tersebut mengingat hampir tiap hari kita menggunakannya dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Namun jika masih ada yang kurang jelas silahkan simak materi expressing of congratulation sekali lagi.

Demikian pembahasan mengenai contoh soal congratulation pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa untuk mengikuti PenaGuru.Com melalui aplikasi Google News dengan cara Following untuk mendapatkan update artikel terbaru kami.