30 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka

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Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka – Anda masih kesulitan membuat soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka? Tenang saja, dalam artikel kali ini PenaGuru.Com akan membagikan contoh soal sumatif sesuai dengan buku siswa Bahasa inggris kurikulum merdeka.

Pelaksanaan kurikulum merdeka yang masih baru membuat beberapa guru mengalami kesulitan dalam menyusun soal asesmen. Dimana dalam kurikulum merdeka, penilaian tengah semester telah dihilangkan sehingga dalam penilaian peserta didik kita mengenal asesmen diagnostik, asesmen formatif, dan asesmen sumatif.

Apa itu Asesmen Sumatif?

Menurut buku Panduan Pembelajaran dan Assesmen disebutkan bahwa, Asesmen sumatif, yaitu asesmen yang dilakukan untuk memastikan ketercapaian keseluruhan tujuan pembelajaran.

Asesmen ini dilakukan pada akhir proses pembelajaran atau dapat juga dilakukan sekaligus untuk dua atau lebih tujuan pembelajaran, sesuai dengan pertimbangan pendidik dan kebijakan satuan pendidikan. Berbeda dengan asesmen formatif, asesmen sumatif menjadi bagian dari perhitungan penilaian di akhir semester, akhir tahun ajaran, dan/atau akhir jenjang.

Adapun asesmen sumatif dapat berfungsi untuk:

  • alat ukur untuk mengetahui pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik dalam satu atau lebih tujuan pembelajaran di periode tertentu;
  • mendapatkan nilai capaian hasil belajar untuk dibandingkan dengan kriteria capaian yang telah ditetapkan; dan
  • menentukan kelanjutan proses belajar siswa di kelas atau jenjang berikutnya.

Prinsip Asesmen Kurikulum Merdeka

Dalam buku Panduan Pembelajaran dan Asesmen telah disebutkan bahwa asesmen dalam kurikulum merdeka memiliki prinsip sebagai berikut:

  • Asesmen merupakan bagian terpadu dari proses pembelajaran, fasilitasi pembelajaran, dan penyediaan informasi yang holistik, sebagai umpan balik untuk pendidik, peserta didik, dan orang tua/wali agar dapat memandu mereka dalam menentukan strategi pembelajaran selanjutnya.
  • Asesmen dirancang dan dilakukan sesuai dengan fungsi asesmen tersebut, dengan keleluasaan untuk menentukan teknik dan waktu pelaksanaan asesmen.
  • Asesmen dirancang secara adil, proporsional, valid, dan dapat dipercaya (reliable) untuk menjelaskan kemajuan belajar, menentukan keputusan tentang langkah dan sebagai dasar untuk menyusun program pembelajaran yang sesuai selanjutnya.
  • Laporan kemajuan belajar dan pencapaian peserta didik bersifat sederhana dan informatif, memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat tentang karakter dan kompetensi yang dicapai, serta strategi tindak lanjut.
  • Hasil asesmen digunakan oleh peserta didik, pendidik, tenaga kependidikan, dan orang tua/wali sebagai bahan refleksi untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran.

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka

Kali ini, kami akan berbagi contoh soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 bab 9 kurikulum merdeka yang telah disusun berdasarkan buku siswa Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD kurikulum merdeka: My Next Words Grade 4 – Student’s Book for Elementary School yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kemendikbudristek RI.

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka

Contoh soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 Bab 9 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka ini berbentuk pilihan ganda dengan empat alternatif jawaban.

Materi contoh soal Sumatif disusun berdasarkan tujuan pembelajaran materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD/MI bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka, yaitu:

Peserta didik mampu menyebutkan kegiatan sehari-hari menggunakan simple present dan mampu berbicara tentang kegiatan sehari – hari dalam hubungannya dengan waktu.

Berikut ini adalah Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka selengkapnya.

1. What do we say when talking about eating breakfast every morning?

A. I eats breakfast at 7 am.
B. I eat breakfast at 7 am.
C. I eating breakfast at 7 am.
D. I am eat breakfast at 7 am.

Answer: B

2. Choose the sentence that uses the simple present tense correctly.

A. She go to school by bus.
B. He reads a book every night.
C. They plays soccer on Sunday.
D. I am play video games after school.

Answer: B

3. Which sentence is correct for someone who always takes a bath in the evening?

A. I take a bath in the evening.
B. I takes a bath in the evening.
C. I taking a bath in the evening.
D. I am takes a bath in the evening.

Baca juga :  Contoh Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 12 Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya

Answer: A

4. How do you say that you have lunch at noon every day?

A. I has lunch at noon every day.
B. I had lunch at noon every day.
C. I have lunch at noon every day.
D. I am having lunch at noon every day.

Answer: C

5. Choose the sentence that is in the simple present tense.

A. She will go to bed at 9 pm.
B. She is going to bed at 9 pm.
C. She goes to bed at 9 pm.
D. She went to bed at 9 pm.

Answer: C

6. What does she do every night before bed?

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka

A. She is write in her diary.
B. She writes in her diary.
C. She wrote in her diary.
D. She will write in her diary.

Answer: B

7. Select the correct simple present tense sentence.

A. They brushes their teeth twice a day.
B. They brush their teeth twice a day.
C. They is brushing their teeth twice a day.
D. They are brush their teeth twice a day.

Answer: B

8. Which sentence correctly describes a habit in the simple present tense?

A. He study after dinner.
B. He is study after dinner.
C. He studies after dinner.
D. He will studying after dinner.

Answer: C

9. What does the family do every evening?

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka

A. The family eat dinner together.
B. The family eats dinner together.
C. The family eating dinner together.
D. The family are eating dinner together.

Answer: B

10. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the simple present tense.

A. She walk to the park on Saturdays.
B. She walks to the park on Saturdays.
C. She is walks to the park on Saturdays.
D. She walking to the park on Saturdays.

Answer: B

11. How do we talk about doing homework in the simple present tense?

A. I do homework after school.
B. I does homework after school.
C. I doing homework after school.
D. I am do homework after school.

Answer: A

12. Pick the sentence that best represents an everyday activity in simple present tense.

A. John play the piano at 5 o’clock.
B. John plays the piano at 5 o’clock.
C. John is playing the piano at 5 o’clock.
D. John will playing the piano at 5 o’clock.

Answer: B

13. What does she do every morning?

Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka

A. She get on the school bus.
B. She gets on the school bus.
C. She got on the school bus.
D. She getting on the school bus.

Answer: B

14. What is the correct way to talk about someone who watches TV every evening?

A. He watch TV every evening.
B. He watches TV every evening.
C. He watched TV every evening.
D. He is watching TV every evening.

Answer: B

15. How do you describe someone who never eats meat?

A. He never eat meat.
B. He never eats meat.
C. He is never eating meat.
D. He has never eating meat.

Answer: B

16. Which sentence is in the simple present tense and means that something happens regularly?

A. She go to dance class on Monday.
B. She went to dance class on Monday.
C. She goes to dance class on Monday.
D. She will go to dance class on Monday.

Answer: C

17. How do you say that a student studies every night?

A. The student study every night.
B. The student studies every night.
C. The student studied every night.
D. The student is studying every night.

Answer: B

18. Choose the sentence that is in the simple present tense.

A. He play with his dog after school.
B. He played with his dog after school.
C. He plays with his dog after school.
D. He is playing with his dog after school.

Baca juga :  30 Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 7 Kurikulum Merdeka

Answer: C

19. What is the correct way to talk about habitual activities in the simple present tense?

A. They rides their bikes in the park.
B. They ride their bikes in the park.
C. They are ride their bikes in the park.
D. They riding their bikes in the park.

Answer: B

20. Which sentence is correct for someone who jogs at 6 am every morning?

A. She jogs at 6 am every morning.
B. She jog at 6 am every morning.
C. She is jogging at 6 am every morning.
D. She was jogging at 6 am every morning.

Answer: A

21. How do you describe an action that is not done regularly in the simple present tense?

A. He never watch TV after dinner.
B. He never watches TV after dinner.
C. He never watching TV after dinner.
D. He is never watch TV after dinner.

Answer: B

22. Pick the sentence that talks about a usual activity using the simple present tense.

A. They study in the library on weekends.
B. They studying in the library on weekends.
C. They studies in the library on weekends.
D. They are study in the library on weekends.

Answer: A

23. What do you say about a cat that sleeps a lot during the day?

A. The cat sleep a lot during the day.
B. The cat sleeps a lot during the day.
C. The cat slept a lot during the day.
D. The cat is sleep a lot during the day.

Answer: B

24. Which sentence correctly uses the simple present tense for a habitual action?

A. I read a story to my brother every night.
B. I reads a story to my brother every night.
C. I am read a story to my brother every night.
D. I reading a story to my brother every night.

Answer: A

25. How do you talk about something that happens every winter?

A. It snows every winter.
B. It snow every winter.
C. It is snowing every winter.
D. It snowed every winter.

Answer: A

26. What is the simple present tense form of a statement about someone who practices piano regularly?

A. She practise piano every day.
B. She practises piano every day.
C. She practiced piano every day.
D. She is practising piano every day.

Answer: B

27. Select the sentence that uses the simple present tense for a routine.

A. He walks his dog in the evening.
B. He walked his dog in the evening.
C. He is walking his dog in the evening.
D. He will walk his dog in the evening.

Answer: A

28. How do we describe a teacher who teaches well?

A. She teaches well.
B. She teach well.
C. She is teach well.
D. She taught well.

Answer: A

29. Which sentence describes a habit using the simple present tense?

A. We visit our grandparents on Sunday.
B. We visits our grandparents on Sunday.
C. We visited our grandparents on Sunday.
D. We are visit our grandparents on Sunday.

Answer: A

30. What is the simple present tense form of a statement about people who work together peacefully?

A. They works together peacefully.
B. They work together peacefully.
C. They working together peacefully.
D. They are works together peacefully.

Answer: B

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English Worksheet Kelas 4 Bab 9


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Itulah 30 Contoh Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Bab 9 Kurikulum Merdeka yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi dan bahan latihan peserta didik.