Contoh Soal Apologizing dan Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal Apologizing dan Jawabannya – Berikut ini adalah Latihan soal apologizing pilihan ganda lengkap dengan jawaban dan pembahasan. Soal tersebut untuk menguji seberapa jauh pemahaman Anda mengenai materi expressing of apologizing yang telah kita bahas sebelumnya.

Materi contoh soal apologizing dan jawabannya disusun berdasarkan silabus pembelajaran materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP. Soal ini telah memenuhi syarat utama pembuatan soal HOTS dan Asesmen Nasional yang berbasis literasi.

Contoh Soal Apologizing dan Jawabannya

Tiap soal telah kami lengkapi dengan clue yang dapat membantu Anda menyelesaikan soal. Namun jika belum berhasil juga menemukan jawabannya, Anda bisa melihat pembahasan yang juga kami sertakan.

Oke langsung saja mulai kerjakan Latihan soal apologizing pilihan ganda berikut ini.

Question 1: You will read several conversations. Please fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.

Linda: “Ouch, my foot.”
Indro: “… Linda, I stepped on your foot.”
Linda: “Be careful next time.”
A. “I’m so sorry.”
B. “I’m so glad.”
C. “I feel happy.”
D. “I regret that.”

contoh soal apologizing dan jawabannya
contoh soal apologizing dan jawabannya

Clue: You have to apologize.
Pembahasan: Indro apologizes by saying, “I’m so sorry” to Linda.

Question 2: Please fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.

Mom: “Where were you?”
Alan: “I was playing football.”
Mom: “We’re going to be late to go to grandma’s house.”
Alan: “I almost forgot! ………. Mom.”
A. “I’m good.”
B. “I’m sorry.”
C. “I forgot it.”
D. “I remember it.”

Clue: His mom is rather angry.
Pembahasan: Alan needs to apologize because he made everyone waiting.

Question 3: Please fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.

Sena: “You forgot to turn off my laptop after you borrowed it.”
Lia: “Oh, I just remembered. ………., sister.””
A. “Okay ….”
B. “Sorry …”
C. “Forget ….”
D. “Will do ….”

Clue: It’s a less formal expression of apology.
Pembahasan: They are sisters, so Lia just says, “Sorry” to Sena.

The following dialogue is for questions no. 4 and 5

Teacher: “Please collect your homework.”
Keisha: “Ma’am, (4) ………. I forgot to bring it. Is it okay if I collect it tomorrow?”
Teacher: “(5) ………. But you will get some minus points.”

Question 4: Choose the correct words to fill the blank in the dialogue above.
A. “I cannot do it.”
B. “I did not do it.”
C. “I really forget.”
D. “I’m really sorry.”

Clue: Keisha makes a mistake by not bringing her homework.
Pembahasan: Keisha needs to apologize because she did not bring her homework.

Question 5: Choose the right words to fill the blank in the dialogue above.
A. “That’s okay.”
B. “That’s terrific.”
C. “Are you sure?”
D. “That’s wonderful.”

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Clue: Keisha asks permission to her teacher.
Pembahasan: The appropriate respond is “That’s okay”, since the teacher gives permission

Question 6: Fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.

Khansa: “I spilled your food….”
Kean: “Be careful next time”
Khansa: “Okay.”
A. “Please stop that.”
B. “Please buy again.”
C. “Please forgive me.”
D. “Please continue eating.”

Clue: Khansa really wants to apologize to Kean.
Pembahasan: “Please forgive me” is a formal expression.

Question 7: Fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options

Dinda: “I’d like to buy a strawberry cupcake.”
Seller: ” …. We don’t have any strawberry left.”
A. “I sell ice cream.”
B. “I’m terribly sorry.”
C. “I don’t have vanilla.”
D. “I’m buying strawberry.”

Clue: The seller cannot give what Dinda orders.
Pembahasan: The seller apologizes to Dinda because he cannot give what Dinda orders.

Question 8: Choose the right expression to fill the blank in the dialogue belowcontoh soal apologizing dan jawabannya

…. to make you waiting for so long.
A. “I’m sorry.”
B. “I’m waiting.”
C. “I’m going there.”
D. “I don’t know.”

Clue: An expression of apology
Pembahasan: The right expression for the sentence is an expression of apology.

Question 9: Choose the right expression to fill the blank in the dialogue below

Rana: “This pair of shoes is too big.”
Dad: “…., Rana. We’ll find a smaller size.”
A. “Sorry, ….”
B. “Take it, ….”
C. “It’s very big, ….”
D. “It’s not good, ….”

Clue: His dad bought pair of shoes that didn’t match his size.
Pembahasan: His dad apologized in a less formal way because shoes didn’t fit.

Question 10: To say that you are sorry, you can use these expressions, EXCEPT: ….
A. “I’m sorry.”
B. “I’m terribly sorry.”
C. “Please forgive me.”
D. “I’m so happy to do it.”

Clue: Not an expression of apology
Pembahasan: “I’m so happy to do it” is not an expression of apology.

Question 11: Please fill in the blanks with the most suitable phrases from the options.

Amelia: “Hey! That’s my book.”
Ryan: “………. I found it when I was cleaning the classroom. Here you are.”
Amelia: “No problem. Thank you.”
A. That’s OK
B. Sorry
C. That was your fault
D. It’s alright

Clue: a form of a short apology
Pembahasan: Ryan found Amelia’s book by accident, so it is not a big problem. However, Ryan still

Read the conversation below to answer question 12 and question 13

Mia: “Lydia, why didn’t you come to my birthday party? You made me a promise.”
Lydia: “……… (12) I had to take my grandmother to the hospital.”
Mia: “You could’ve texted me, but ………. (13) I am sorry to hear about your grandmother.

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Question 12: Which is the best phrase to complete the conversation?”
A. Don’t worry
B. Excuse me
C. I am so sorry
D. That’s fine

Clue: Which phrase can be used to make an apology?
Pembahasan: Lydia broke her promise to Mia. That is why she feels guilty. The only proper phrase in the
options to express Lydia’s feeling are “I am so sorry”.

Question 13: Which is the best phrase to complete the conversation?”
A. Sorry
B. Forget about it
C. It was all my fault
D. Don’t be mad at me

Clue: Mia accepts Lydia’s apology
Pembahasan: Mia was disappointed because Lydia broke her promise. However, Mia understands why Lydia didn’t come to her birthday party so she forgives Lydia and asks her to forget about the problem.

Read the conversation below to answer question 14

contoh soal apologizing dan jawabannya
contoh soal apologizing dan jawabannya

Ron: “Dad, ……………………….”
Dad: “Why would I be mad at you?”
Ron: “I broke your coffee cup.”

Question 14: Which phrase is suitable to fill the blank on the conversation above?
A. That’s my fault
B. That’s OK
C. “… don’t worry about it.”
D. Please don’t be mad at me

Clue: Dad says something about mad.
Pembahasan: Ron apologizes to his father and expects him not to be mad at him.

Read the conversation below to answer question 15

Teacher: “What time is it, Dono? The class started twenty minutes ago.”
Dono: “…………………. It won’t happen again.”

Question 15: Which expression is suitable to complete the conversation?
A. I am terribly sorry
B. Don’t apologize
C. Excuse me
D. Forget about it

Clue: Dono regrets that he came late.
Pembahasan: Dono makes an apology to his teacher. The only proper phrase in the options is “I am terribly sorry” since the other phrases are used to respond to an apology.

Itulah contoh soal apologizing dan jawabannya yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga dengan adanya Latihan soal apologizing kelas 7 tersebut dapat menambah pemahaman tentang ungkapan meminta maaf dalam Bahasa inggris.

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