Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya

Silahkan simak, pelajari, dan kerjakan Latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 berikut ini.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Comparison of People, Animal, and Things in Sentences

1. We use comparison in sentences for the following purposes, EXCEPT….
A. to help the speaker give the detail information
B. to help the audience understand the message
C. to support in delivering ideas
D. to confuse the speaker and the audience

2. Which sentence does compare specific visual information?
A. Your perfume smells like a bouquet of wild rose.
B. Her voice sounds like a talented singer.
C. Cinderella looks like a princess in a fairytale.
D. My mom cooks as good as a chef.

3. Which sentence does compare specific audio information?
A. Your perfume smells like a bouquet of wild rose.
B. Her voice sounds like a talented singer.
C. Cinderella looks like a princess in a fairytale.
D. My mom cooks as good as a chef.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Descriptive Text

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

Question number 4 to 6 is based on the following text.

soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com

4. From the text we can conclude that ….
A. Mr. Dion is a big man
B. Mr. Dion is not a discipline teacher
C. Mr. Dion doesn’t like students cheating in his class
D. Mr. Dion has wavy black hair, slanted eyes, flat nose and no beard

5. The italic word has the same meaning with ….
Mr. Dion is a disciplined teacher, but he likes to joke with his students. Mr. Dion teaches his students with his own style that makes his students enjoy the class. Many students like him so much.
A. Principals
B. Friends
C. College
D. pupils

6. The above text aims to ….
A. describe the principal
B. describe the writer’s teacher
C. tell the writer about his/her school
D. give information about the teachers in the writer’s school

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

Question number 7 to 9 is based on the following text.

soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com

7. From the text we can conclude that ….
A. The writer doesn’t like hamster
B. Momo is a disgusting pet
C. Momo will not squeak if he feels hungry
D. Momo’s hobbies are sleeping and playing cylinder.

8. The purpose of the text above is ….
A. to give information about hamster in general
B. to describe the writer’s pet
C. to describe the writer
D. to tell about the writer

9. The italic word has the same meaning with ….
He will squeak all the time when he feels hungry.
A. Full
B. Great
C. Angry
D. starving

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

Question number 10 to 12 is based on the following text.

soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com

10. From the text we can conclude that ….
A. The writer has a new mini bus
B. The writer’s school has a new mini bus
C. There are two mini bus in the writer’s school
D. There are three operational vehicles in the writer’s school

11. The italic word has a similar meaning with ….
There are thirty seats in the new mini bus, so it can carry more students if there is a big event.
A. Bring
B. Offer
C. Have
D. ask

12. The aim of the above text is ….
A. to describe the writer’s school
B. to describe the writer’s new mini bus
C. to describe the new mini bus of the writer’s school
D. to give information about the students in the writer’s school

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Simple Past Tenses

13. Read the options and choose a sentence that tells about an action in the past.
A. She was really tired.
B. The weather was hot.
C. He stayed alone at home.
D. The flowers were beautiful.

14. Read these sentences and find one that tells about an event in the past.
A. They studied hard for the test.
B. He forgot his homework again.
C. We didn’t tell anyone about that accident.
D. The competition was awesome and challenging.

15. The incorrect sentence is ….
A. Dad didn’t work yesterday.
B. Mom cooks fried rice this morning.
C. My sister prepared the competition this morning.
D. My brother didn’t come late to school this morning.

16. The correct sentence is ….
A. Dad doesn’t work yesterday.
B. Mom cooked fried rice this morning.
C. My sister prepares the competition this morning.
D. My brother come late to school this morning.

17. Diana … calling when I had breakfast.
A. Was
B. Were
C. Take
D. took

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Recount Text

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

Question number 18 to 22 is based on the following text.

soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com

18. The right question word to choose is ….
Q : …. did the protest at the entrance gate of Clarion Hotel happen?
A : On the 8th October 2014
A. where
B. Who
C. What
D. when

19. The right question word to choose is ….
Q : What happened at Clarion Hotel, Kendari?
A : It is ….
A. a protest
B. protesters
C. Clarion Hotel
D. parliament members

20. The right question word to choose is ….
Q : Where did the protest take place?
A : It took place around ….
A. the Parliament building
B. the Clarion Hotel, Kendari
C. the Parliament members
D. the Options a and b are correct

21. The people who did the protest were ….
A. Hotel staffs
B. Parliament members
C. Universities
D. University Students

22. Choose the option that will be the best choice of question words for the following information:
B.J. Habibie – received an engineering degree – in 1960 – in Germany
A. Who, where, when, what happened
B. Who, what happened, when, where
C. What happened, where, when, who
D. When, where, who, what happened

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Narrative Text

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

Question number 23 to 24 is based on the following text.

soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com
soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 beserta jawabannya | PenaGuru.Com

23. The moral value from the story is ….
A. being angry is okay
B. being angry is okay as long as we are angry to mean people
C. we have to ask for permission before taking something from someone
D. as a human being, we should be wise

24. Referring to the queen action of giving a jar of honey, we can learn from the story that ….
A. giving hard punishment will always work
B. people can make mistakes but we can forgive them
C. the touch of love can change and educate people
D. love is not enough

25. These are the appropriate adverbs of time in narrative text, except ….
A. One day
B. Once upon a time
C. Long time ago
D. Nowadays

26. The verb that represents a narrative text is ….
A. Verb 1 (present tense)
B. Verb 2 (past tense)
C. Verb 3 (past participle tense)
D. Verb-ing

27. Look at these titles. The most appropriate title of a fable text is ….
A. Ande-Ande Lumut
B. The Roasted Duck
C. The Tiger and The Mouse
D. Superman

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Soal Bahasa inggris kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Silahkan cocokkan hasil pekerjaan Anda dengan kunci jawaban soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 berikut ini.

1. Hint
Using a comparison in a sentence is very helpful in describing person, animal, or things. It can avoid confusion.
Using a comparison in a sentence is very helpful in describing person, animal, or things. It can avoid confusion. We use comparison in conversation to support in delivering the ideas. It helps the speaker to give clear details and the audience to understand the message. So, it is not to confuse the speaker and the audience.

2. Hint
“Sounds like” is used to describe what we hear.
We use “looks like” as a verb in a sentence to describe what we see. The answer is “Cinderella looks like a princess in a fairytale.”

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3. Hint
“Looks like” is used to describe what we see.
We use “sounds like” as a verb in a sentence to describe what we hear. The answer is “Cinderella looks like a princess in a fairytale.”

4. Hint
Find the correct statement in the text carefully.
In the last of paragraph two, there is a sentence “cheating in doing exercises, I can’t imagine how angry he is”. It means that Mr. Dion doesn’t like students cheating in his class

5. Hint
Find the similar words of “students”
The words “students” in the text has the same meaning with “pupils”.

6. Hint
It is a descriptive text.
The social function of the text above (descriptive text) is to describe people in the text that is the writer’s teacher

7. Hint
Match the information to the text. One of them has a correct statement.
from the last paragraph we know that Momo likes sleeping and playing cylinder.

8. Hint
It is a descriptive text.
The social function of the text above (descriptive text) is to describe animal in the text that is the writer’s pet

9. Hint
Find the similar words of “hungry”
The words “hungry” in the text has the same meaning with “starving”.

10. Hint
Find the correct statement in the text carefully.
the text tells us about the new mini bus that the writer’s school has.

11. Hint
Find the similar word of “carry”
The word “carry” in the text has the same meaning with “bring”.

12. Hint
It is a descriptive text.
The social function of the text above (descriptive text) is to describe objects in the text that is the writer’s teacher.

13. Hint
Find the word which shows the action.
The word ‘stayed’ is something that someone has done in the past.

14. Hint
Find the word which shows an event, not an action.
“The competition was awesome and challenging” is an event because there is the word “was” which is used to help verb in event in the past.

15. Hint
pay attention to the verb.
“cooks fried rice this morning” is wrong because this morning is adverb of past time. Use the past verb to make a past sentence.

16. Hint
pay attention to the verb.
“cooked fried rice this morning” is the correct sentence because this morning is adverb of past time. Use the past verb to make a past sentence.

17. Hint
It uses past continuous tense. Pay attention to Diana. Remember the structure in making positive past tense.
Diana is one person. So, you should put the word ‘was’ in using past continuous tense.

18. Hint
What is the information provided?
Date is a time signal. This means, the best option should be when.

19. Hint
What kind of information is asked?
This kind of question needs information about the event happened in the text.

20. Hint
What kind of the question word is used?
The question needs an answer that tells you about a place when the action took place.

21. Hint
Which information is needed?
Who is a question word that needs an answer about a person/people.

22. Hint
Identify each information provided.
B.j. Habibie is a person’s name which means the who question is correct. The second information matches with what happened. The next ones are information about time and place, respectively. Then, the next questions should be when and where.

23. Hint
What do we do if we want to borrow something?
Most cultures think that stealing is a serious matter.

24. Hint
What does the gift express?
The queen could give punishment to the gecko but she didn’t do it. She prefers to forgive and show her kindness.

25. Hint
Which adverb represents the present time?
Narrative uses simple past.

26. Hint
What is the synonym of past perfect?
Narrative uses past perfect.

27. Hint
What is a fable about?
A fable is a story that uses animals as the characters. The animals actually represent many attitudes and characters of the human being. The Tiger and The Mouse is the only answer showing animals as the characters.

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