Soal Leave Taking Pilihan Ganda dan Pembahasan

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Soal leave taking pilihan ganda – Untuk lebih memahami materi tentang expression of leave taking yang telah kita bahas sebelumnya, saatnya Anda mencoba untuk mengerjakan contoh soal leave taking pilihan ganda kelas 7 berikut ini.

Contoh soal pilihan ganda leave taking tersebut telah kami susun berdasarkan kisi kisi soal kurikulum 2013. Apabila Anda kesulitan mengerjakan, kami telah menyediakan clue pada tiap-tiap nomor yang dapat membantu untuk menyelesaikan soal.

Contoh Soal Leave Taking Pilihan Ganda

Oke, langsung saja mulai Latihan soal leave taking pilihan ganda berikut ini.

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

Question number 1 to 5 is based on the following text.

Fahmi and Narti go to a bicycle shop. They meet Fahry there.
Fahmi: “Hello, Fahry. How are you?”
Fahry: “Hi, Fahmi! I’m fine. Long time no see.”
Fahmi: “It sure is. What are you doing here?”
Fahry: “I’m looking for a new bicycle.”
Fahmi: “Really? Here is my friend, Narti. She is looking for a new bicycle, too.”
Narti: “Hello, Fahry. Nice to meet you.”
Fahry: “Nice to meet you, too.”
Fahmi: “Are you here alone?”
Fahry: “No, I’m waiting for my friends. There they are!”
Fahmi: “Well, Okay then. Bye-bye.”
Fahry: “See you later.”

Question 1: Are Fahmi and Fahry friends?

A. Yes, he is.
B. Yes, she is.
C. Yes, they are.
D. No, they are not.

Hint: Fahmi and Fahry can be replaced by pronoun ‘they’.
Pembahasan: Fahmi and Fahry are friends. So “Yes, they are”.

Question 2: Who wants to buy a new bicycle?

A. Fahmi and Fahry
B. Narti and Fahmi
C. Narti and Fahry
D. Fahry and his friends

Hint: They are looking for a new bicycle, too.
Pembahasan: Fahry is looking for a new bicycle, so is Fahmi.

Question 3: What does Narti say when he meets Fahry?

A. “Nice to eat you.”
B. “Nice to meet you.”
C. “Long time no see.”
D. “Where have you been?”

Hint: An expression of greeting
Pembahasan: Narti says, “Nice to meet you.”

Question 4: What does Fahmi say when they are going to part?

A. “Bye-bye.”
B. “Good-bye.”
C. “Good luck.”
D. “Nice to meet you.”

Hint: She is using an informal expression of leave-taking.
Pembahasan: Fahmi says ‘Bye-bye’ as an expression of leave-taking.

Question 5: What does Fahry say when they are going to part?

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A. “Thank you.”
B. “See you later.”
C. “Nice to see you.”
D. “Nice to meet you.”

Hint: He is using an expression of leave-taking.
Pembahasan: Fahry says “See you later” as an expression of leave-taking to Fahmi.

Question 6: Complete the conversation below!

soal leave taking pilihan ganda
soal leave taking pilihan ganda

Randy: “Are you going somewhere?”
Rudi: “Yes, I …. now.”

A. “… have to go”
B. “… have to eat”
C. “… need to sleep”
D. “… need to play games”

Hint: Look at the word “going”.
Pembahasan: Rudi would say “I have to go now” to tell Randy.

Question 7: What is the best response for the expression below?

Riri: “Finally, the homework is finished.”
Rinda: “Well, okay then….”
Riri: “Okay, see you.”

A. “See you tomorrow.”
B. “See you yesterday.”
C. “Let’s go out somewhere.”
D. “Let’s take a rest for now.”

Hint: They will give the homework tomorrow at school.
Pembahasan: Since they have finished the homework, then Rinda says “See you later”.

Question 8: What is the best response for the expression below?

soal leave taking pilihan ganda
soal leave taking pilihan ganda

Mom: “You have to go to school now.”
Septy: “Okay, … mom.”

A. “… eat first”
B. “… good-bye”
C. “… good day”
D. “… take care”

Hint: Septy is going to leave the house for school.
Pembahasan: Septy would say “Good-bye” when she is going out.

Question number 9 to 10 is based on the following text.

Andi: “I’m going home now.”
Riza: “Okay, good night.”
Andi: “See you tomorrow at school.”

Question 9: What does Riza say when he is leaving?

A. “Good day.”
B. “Good night.”
C. “Happy holiday.”
D. “Happy weekend.”

Hint: It is an expression of leave-taking at night.
Pembahasan: “Good night” can be used as an expression of leave-taking.

Question 10: What does Andi reply to Riza?

A. “See you tomorrow.”
B. “See you next year.”
C. “See you next week.”
D. “I don’t want to see you.”

Hint: They will meet again tomorrow.
Pembahasan: “See you tomorrow” is also an expression of leave-taking.

Question 11: Read the short conversation below to answer question

Anita: Hi, Tomi. Glad to see you.
Tomi: …….
Which phrase is proper response to complete the conversation?

A. Glad to see you
B. Glad to see you, too
C. Nice to meet you, too
D. Pleased to meet you, too

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Hint: The best response for “Glad to see you”
Pembahasan: “Glad to see you, too” is an expression of greeting. People can use it to end the conversation.

Question 12: Read the conversation below to answer question.

Nona: I forget. It is 4 o’clock. I need to go to my private lesson.
Noni: Ok. …….
Which phrase is the best response for completing the conversation?

A. Good night
B. Until next time
C. Good afternoon
D. Nice to meet you

Hint: Noni expects to see Nona again
Pembahasan: “Until next time” means that the person wants or plans to see each other again.

Question 13: Read the conversation below to answer question.

Rama: Sorry, this is Putra. He is my cousin. He is from Sukabumi.
Tyo: Hi, Putra. Nice to meet you.
Putra: ……………….
Which phrase is correct to complete the conversation?

A. Goodbye
B. See you later
C. Nice to meet you, too
D. Pleased to meet you

Hint: Pay attention to the phrase before.
Pembahasan: The appropriate response for “Nice to meet you” is “Nice to meet you, too”.

Question 14: Which phrase has close meaning with “See you”

A. Goodbye
B. Good night
C. Talk to you later
D. Nice to meet you

Hint: the person wants to meet again and talk to his/her friend
Pembahasan: “See you” has the same meaning with “Talk to you later”, because the speaker hopes to meet with the other person again next time.

Question 15: Which expression do you use before going to bed?

A. Bye
B. See you
C. Good night
D. Talk to you later

Hint: You do sleep usually at night.
Pembahasan: “Good night” is not a greeting. This is an expression to end the conversation at the evening/night.

Demikian Latihan Soal leave taking pilihan ganda dan pembahasan yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga dengan adanya contoh soal tersebut dapat membuat Anda semakin memahami materi expression of leave taking.

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